President Jokowi Signs Presidential Regulation No. 87 of 2017 on Strengthening Character Education

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 September 2017
Category: News
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President Jokowi, accompanied by leaders of Islamic mass organizations, delivers a press statement, at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/9) afternoon. (Photo: Bureau of Press, Media, and Information of Presidential Secretariat)

President Jokowi, accompanied by leaders of Islamic mass organizations, delivers a press statement, at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/9) afternoon. (Photo: Bureau of Press, Media, and Information of Presidential Secretariat)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has signed a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 87 of 2017 on Strengthening Character Education. President Jokowi hopes that with the signing of this Presidential Regulation, the polemic on the implementation of school time will come to an end. “I am very happy that all of them give full support to the Presidential Regulation of Strengthening Character Education,” the President said in a press conference at the Credential Room of Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/9) afternoon.

According to the President, this Regulation will become a legal umbrella for Ministers, Governors, Regents, and Mayors in preparing the budget for strengthening character education in schools, madrasah (Islamic school), and even in the community. “It will be followed up by providing technical guidance. So, we can really implement it in the field soon,” the President said.

Before signing the Regulation, President Jokowi first discussed it with representatives from institutions and religious organizations at the Presidential Palace such as the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Council (PBNU), the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), Muhammadiyah, the Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals Association (ICMI), Al Irsyad Al Islamiyah, the Indonesian Islamic Preach Council, and the Islamic Unity Executive Council (PP Persis).

According to the President, they provide inputs related to the Regulation. “All of them give inputs, so the Regulation is truly comprehensive,” the President explained.

With the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 on Strengthening Character Education, the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 23 of 2017 on School Day is no longer valid.

Accompanying President Jokowi when delivering the press release, among others, were Minister of Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly, and Minister of State Secretary Pratikno. (*/ICE) (MUR/YM/Naster).

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