13 New Toll Roads Ready to Operate in Q4 2018

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Oktober 2018
Category: News
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jalan tolIndonesian Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) sets a target of operating at least 13 new toll roads in several regions throughout Q4 of 2018.

Based on data from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR, there are four new toll roads spanning 42.7 kilometers planned to be ready in October 2018.

The aforementioned toll roads are: Pejagan-Pemalang toll road section 3 and 4 (37.3 km), Pemalang-Batang toll road section Sewaka- Pemalang Interchange (5.4 km), Solo-Ngawi toll road section Sragen Interchange -Ngawi (50.9 km), and Ciawi-Sukabumi toll road Section 1 Ciawi-Cigombong (15.4 km).

In addition, two other new toll roads are expected to operate in November 2018, namely Pemalang-Batang toll road section 1 and 2 (Pemalang Interchange-Batang) spanning 33.8 km, and Semarang-Solo toll road section 4 and 5 Salatiga-Kartasura (32.5 km), while 7 toll roads with total length of 292.8 km are ready to operate in December 2018.

The seven toll roads are part of the Trans Java and Sumatra Toll Roads, namely Batang-Semarang toll road section1-5 (75 km), Ngawi-Kertosono toll road section Wilangan-Kertosono which is funded by State Budget (39.1 km), Kertosono-Mojokerto toll road section 4 (0.9 km), relocation of 6.3-km Porong-Gempol (Porong-Kejapanan) toll road, Gempol-Pasuruan toll road section 3 Pasuruan-Grati (12.2 km), Pasuruan – Probolinggo toll road section 1-3 Grati-Probolinggo Timur (32.4 km), and Bakauheni-Terbanggi Besar toll road section 1-4 (126.9 km).

In the meantime, the progress of construction of Jakarta-Cikampek 2 (Japek 2) elevated toll road, which aims to unravel congestion in the existing toll road, has now reached 49.4%. The 38-km toll road starting from Cikunir Interchange to Karawang is targeted for completion at the end of March 2019.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono said that the Japek 2 toll road will separate long distance toll road users from short distance users. The users who want to make a long trip can use Japek 2 Toll Road and get off at the end of the elevated toll road; therefore, the congestion will be unraveled and the travel time will be shortened. The toll road will be beneficial for the users heading to industrial area in Karawang or Cibitung and those who are travelling to Cikampek – Semarang and Padalarang – Bandung.

“The construction of this toll road is part of the Trans Java toll road which will be connected by the end of 2018. The toll road will certainly facilitate the movement of people and goods, and reduce logistics costs and delivery time so that it can be more efficient” Minister Basuki concluded.

 (BKP Kementerian PUPR/ES) (RI/LW/Naster)

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