Communication Minister Asks Journalists to Combat Hoaxes

Minister of Communication and Informatics delivers his remarks when opening the National Education for Media Workers’ Awareness Enhancement in Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Wednesday (27/3). Photo by: PR of Ministry of Communication and Informatics
Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara asked the journalists to combat hoaxes.
“The role of mass media is very important. The role of the journalists is very important in combatting hoaxes. This is one form of Bela Negara (State Defense) in the digital world,” the Minister said in his remarks when opening the National Education for Media Workers’ Awareness Enhancement in Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, Wednesday (27/3).
Rudiantara went on to say that Ministry of Communication and Informatics has made various efforts in overcoming the spread of hoaxes. “We have an AIS Team cyber patrol that verifies and clarifies (the hoaxes). We also improve public literacy with Miss Lambe Hoaks Program,” he said, adding that in February 2019 the AIS Team found 353 hoaxes, most of them related to politics, government, and health issues.
“Maybe many political hoaxes circulate because of the upcoming election. Democracy should be fun. Election must be fun. The role of the journalists is very important in combating those hoaxes,” he said.
On that occasion, the Minister also said that the Government is developing high-speed internet network in Indonesia.
“The Government is developing the Palapa Ring to expand internet network in the villages, as well as to provide high-speed internet in schools, health centers and other places,” Rudiantara said.
He further said that there is a plan to build government-owned satellites to provide internet access that reach all villages in Indonesia. “I hope that by 2022 the satellites will already be available and can serve all villages in Indonesia,” the Minister concluded. (Humas Kominfo/ES)
Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Mia Medyana