17 WNI Killed sink in the Malaysia Offshore, President Jokowi Convey Condolence

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi gives an explanation on the sinking of the ship carrying WNI in Malaysia, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (4/9) afternoon
“So the latest update today (Friday, 4/9) until 14:00 pm there were 17 people died, 20 survived. Our task force team, still in the field and the search will still be done in the coming days, “Foreign Minister Retno said, after accompanying President Jokowi received the visit of Egyptian President Abdul Fatah al-hand at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (4/9).
Those who survived consist of 10 residents from the province of Aceh, 2 residents from North Sumatra, 1 resident of West Sumatra, 3 residents of Surabaya, and other WNI who has not been identified.
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) via his twitter account @jokowi has expressed condolences upon the occurrence of the accident.
“Deep condolences over the tragedy of sinking of the ship in Sabak Berenam Selangor. Put the trust and Sincere,” wrote the President Jokowi through his twitter account on Friday (4/9) morning.
Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi said, that the task force at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur continue to identify in the field. “Officers have difficulty identifying the victims considering that they do not know each other,” he said.
Minister of Foreign Affairs explained, it has also been conveyed to the authorities in Malaysia that Basarnas team is ready when it is needed. “I’ve also been communicating with our police, that our DVI team also ready to help if needed,” he said.
Teams SAR from Malaysia have been deployed in waters the accident occurred, consisting of 7 ships from the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency, 3 ships of the Royal Malaysian Navy, one ship of the Malaysian police, and three airplanes.
Wooden ship that sank was small, about 15 meters long and 3 meters wide, and sank only 10 nautical miles from the Sabak Berenam coast, the state of Selangor, Malaysia, the alleged cause of the sinking is overloaded.
According to Malaysian fishermen, the cargo of the ship at the time of 100 passengers, whereas the maximum capacity of the vessel of 70 people. Local fishermen reported the deadly accident occurred at 10:30 local time. (WID/UN/GUN/ES)/Sy.