Dead Execution of Drugs Inmates, FM: We Act Tough Because the Situation is Worrying

By Humas     Date 28 April 2015
Category: News
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Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno L.P. Marsudi

Foreign Minister (FM) Retno L.P. Marsudi give response to a number of comments and criticisms that delivered by a number of world leaders against the executions of a number of narcotics and drugs (drugs) inmates in the country.

“We convey the emergency status that experienced by Indonesia. Therefore, Indonesia must act tough, because the situation very worrying,” said Retno told reporters on the sidelines of his presence accompanying President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) at the 26th ASEAN Summit, Kuala Lumpur Convention Center (KLCC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Monday (27/4).

Related with the execution plan against a citizen of France, Serge Atlaoui, President of French Francois Hollande has threatened to cut off diplomatic relations with Indonesia.

“If Serge executed, Indonesia will accept the consequences. Because we, the European countries, no longer has the death penalty,” said Hollande as reported by AFP on Saturday (25/4).

While UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon through his spokesman urged Indonesia not to execute the death of 10 drugs inmates, including two Australians, there is also a citizen of France, Nigeria, and Ghana.

“The Secretary-General asked the Indonesian government to refrain from carrying out executions of 10 sentenced to death on charges of drug crimes,” the spokesman Ban said, as announced.

Responding to the opposition, Foreign Minister Retno L.P. Marsudi asserted, Indonesia remains consistent against the legal decisions.

“There should not be an assumption that we do this with pleasure, not like that, this is done as a matter of law,” the Foreign Minister said.

9 Convicts

So far, there are ten (10) sentenced to death drug cases that have been isolated in the Penitentiary (Prison) Nusa Kambangan, Cilacap, Central Java. 10 sentenced to death were: 1. Myuran Sukumaran (Australia); 2. Andrew Chan (Australia); 3. Raheem Agbaje Salami (Nigeria); 4. Rodrigue Gularte (Brazil); 5. Serge Areski Atlaoui (Perncis). 6. Silvester Obiekwe Nwaolise alias Mustafa (Niger); 7. Martin Anderson aka Belo (Ghana); 8. Okwudili Oyatanze (Niger); 9. Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso (Philippines); and 10. Zainal Abidin (Indonesia).

Head of Public Information, the Attorney General, Tony Tribagus Spontana as quoted by Antara news agency on Sunday (26/4) confirmed, that death row Serge withdrawn from the list of the execution of the second phase because he has sued refusal pardon by President Joko Widodo to the State Administrative Court (PTUN) ,

According to Tony, the execution of Serge Areski Atlaoui will be conducted separately after the verdict of the administrative court (PTUN). Thus, execution of the second phase is only carried out on nine sentenced to death in drug cases (Humas Setkab/ES)

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