90 Percent of National Mudik Road is Ready: Minister of Public Works and Public Housing

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono accompanied by Chief of Indonesian National Police, states the resume of a Limited Meeting at Presidential Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (30/5) afternoon (Photo: Agung/Human Relations Division).
Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono said that 90 percent of national mudik (an annual exodus ahead of Eid al Fitr) roads in Java Island, namely North Coast (Pantura), middle ways, and South Coast (Pansela) are in a stable condition and ready for homecoming travelers.
According to Basuki, national roads in Java consisting of Pantura, middle ways and south pass are 1341, 1197 km, and 1405 kilometer in length respectively. South pass reaches only from Bayah, in Banten, to Pacitan. Pacitan-Banyuwangi is still under construction this year. With a total length of 3943 km this year, it is better than that in 2017, he said to the journalists after a Limited Meeting at the Presidential Office, in Jakarta, on Wednesday (30/5) afternoon.
Aside from national roads, total toll road in Java from Jakarta to Surabaya are 760 km. 525 km of it is fully operational and other 235 km is functional.
According to the Minister, it is still functional because its traffic signs, borders, and other road equipments are not installed yet, but this are not a main road for homecoming travelers except in 1 point between Jakarta and Semarang, namely in Kuto river area. Other functional roads are PemalangBatang 39 km, BatangSemarang 74 km, SalatigaSolo 32 km, SragenNgawi 55 km, dan WilanganKertosono, the Minister further said.
On last week review, the road are begin to be asphalted and concreted. It is scheduled to be finished on 30 May, the Minister explained while adding that Ngawi-Wilangan road has been inaugurated by the President couple months ago. Wilangan-Kertosono is now ready but not yet inaugurated.
The Minister reminded the homecoming travelers to pay attention to the first 60 km from Jakarta due to elevated Cikampek-Jakarta road. On H-10 Eid al Fitr the construction will be stopped and the site will be cleared. I hope it will make the traffic flow smoothly. Minister of Transportation also said that a restriction for freight vehicles will be applied, Basuki asserted while adding that in every 20 km on toll road there will be type A rest area.
So there will be toilets, prayer rooms, SME stalls, fuel station, healthcare station, police station, and other facilities like parking bay only to park and rest. Basuki said.
As for toll roads in Sumatra, especially Sumatra east pass, Minister of PUPR has assured almost 90% of roads are in good condition and ready to use.
Futhermore, an additional 245 km road consisting of 120 km operational and 125 km functional are prepared, that is BakauheniTerbanggi Besar, Terbanggi BesarKayu Agung, PalembangIndralaya, MedanBinjai, MedanKualanamuTebing Tinggi dan BelawanMedanTanjung Morawa, the Minister enunciated.
Other facilities such as 26 mobile toilet units, 30 car feces, 4 toilet cabins, 47 mobile readers, non-cash and 50 cash top-up for operational road will also be provided.
Basuki explained that likes Indonesian Police, Ministry of PUPR also builds disaster shelters, a location map will be provided.
We communicate with Ministry of Transportation continuously. On Monday we are invited by Chief of Police, including Minister of Transportation, Minister of Youth and Sports, Minister of Health, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Pertamina (state owned enterprise of oil and fuel), Jasa Marga (state owned enterprise of toll road), Bulog (state owned enterprise of logistic), Minister of Agriculture, Minister of Trade, to discuss the matters around Indonesia, Basuki concluded. (MAY/DND/AGG/DNS/ES) (EPI/YM/Naster)