Gov’t Issues Presidential Regulation on Funding to Tackle Pollution at Citarum River

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 Maret 2018
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DAS-Citarum-tercemar-300x176On the issue of funding for the Acceleration of Pollution Control and Damage of Citarum Watershed in Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 15 of 2018 (link: copy of Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2018), which has been signed by President Joko Widodo on 14 March 2018 states, it is stated that the funding is sourced from: a. the State Budget (APBN); b. Regional Revenues and Expenditure Budget (APBD); and/or c. Other sources of financing that are legitimate and non-binding in accordance with the provisions of legislation.

Article 20 of Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2018 states that other sources of financing as intended include the cost of building social infrastructure in the form of facilities and infrastructure for the public interest.

“The social infrastructure development costs in the form of facilities and infrastructure for public interest as intended may be charged as a deduction of gross income of Taxpayers,” Article 20 paragraph (2) of this Presidential Regulation says.

According to this Presidential Regulation, requirements, restrictions, registration procedures, calculation, and reporting of social infrastructure development costs in the form of facilities and infrastructure for public interest as intended shall be in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in the field of taxation.

The Presidential Regulation also regulates the execution of Task Force tasks (Satgas) Citarum watershed in the operation of pollution control and damage of Citarum watershed are done in the following ways: a. dissemination and education by providing information about the impact of pollution and damage warning Citarum watershed to the community; b. waste management and ecosystem restoration; c. coordinating the relocation of affected communities in the Citarum watershed; d. coordination in updating the data and information needed as an effort to overcome pollution and damage to Citarum watershed with related institutions; e. innovating in the prevention of pollution and damage to Citarum watershed in accordance with the development of science and technology; f. carrying out community empowerment; and g. taking preventive measures and law enforcement.

Related to the implementation of prevention and law enforcement as intended, this Presidential Regulation states those measures shall be carried out through a persuasive approach by prioritizing restoration efforts on the impact of pollution and damage to Citarum watershed in accordance with the provisions of legislation.

“In the event that the implementation of prevention and law enforcement cannot be performed as intended, law enforcement against pollution and destruction of Citarum watershed shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the legislation,” Article 14 paragraph (2) of this Presidential Regulation says.

This Presidential Regulation also states that the communities shall participate in prevention, pollution and destruction, and restoration of Citarum watershed.

The society as intended, according to this Presidential Regulation, consists of individuals, community organizations, religious organizations, philanthropy, businessmen, academics, and other stakeholders.

“This Government Regulation shall come into force on the date of its enactment,” Article 11 of Government Regulation Number 15 Year 2018 says. The law was promulgated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on 15 March 2018. (Pusdatin/ES) (GWH/EP/Naster)

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