Ministry of SOEs Reorganizes Pertamina BoD

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 April 2018
Category: News
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The Announcement of the decision of PT Pertamina General Meeting of Shareholders at the office of Ministry of SOEs in Jakarta, Friday (20/4). (Photo by: Public Relations Division of Ministry of SOEs).

The Announcement of the decision of PT Pertamina General Meeting of Shareholders at the office of Ministry of SOEs in Jakarta, Friday (20/4). (Photo by: Public Relations Division of Ministry of SOEs).

The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) reorganized Board of Directors of state-owned oil company PT Pertamina, including the President Director, in response to the recommendations from the Board of Commissioners on the current condition of Pertamina related to incident in Balikpapan, refinery projects and the company’s financial condition.

Deputy to Minister of State-Owned Enterprises for Mining, Strategic Industries and Media Affairs Fajar Harry Sampurno announced the Decree of the Minister of SOEs Number SK-97 / MBU / 04/2018 on the Dismissal and Appointment of the Board of Directors of PT Pertamina in the General Meeting of Shareholders in Jakarta, Friday (20/4).

According to the Decree, the Ministry of SOEs dismissed Elia Massa Manik, M. Iskandar, Toharso, Dwi W Daryoto and Ardhy N. Mokobombang from their positions in the Board of Directors, while reappointed Gigih Prakoso, Syamsu Alam, and Arif Budiman as Investment Planning and Risk Management Director, Upstream Director and Finance Director respectively.

In the meantime, the Minister of SOEs appointed the following names as directors:

  1. Budi Santoso Syarif – Refinery Director
  2. Basuki Trikora Putra – Corporate Marketing Director
  3. Masud Hamid – Retail Marketing Director
  4. M. Haryo Junianto – Asset Management Director
  5. Heru Setiawan – Mega Project and Petrochemical Director
  6. Gandhi Sriwidjojo – Infrastructure Director
  7. Nicke Widyawati – Human Resource Director and President Director Ad Interim.

Fajar Harry Sampurno explained that the shareholders have decided that Nicke Widyawati, the Human Resource Director, will be the President Director Ad Interim before the appointment of the definitive President Director. Nicke is also the Chairman of the Committee and Implementation of Oil and Gas Holding.

Harry explained that SOEs have two important roles in the development of Indonesia. First, SOEs are development agencies that play an important role in implementing various National Strategic Projects, providing basic needs and improving the welfare of the people. Second, SOEs make profit and generate tax revenues for the state.

“As a state-owned enterprise, Pertamina’s goal is not only to seek profit but also to provide the needs of people and to serve Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke,” Harry concluded.

(Humas Kementerian BUMN/ES) (RI/MMB/Naster)

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