2018-2019 National Defense Action Plan’s Released

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 September 2018
Category: News
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Pelatihan-Bela-Negara-300x200The appendix to Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2018 on the 2018-2019 National Defense Action Plan stipulates action plans, government institution/agencies in charge, related government institution/agencies and success indicators in accordance with each stage of implementation of the plan (link to related Presidential Instruction).

The first phase, which is the dissemination, harmonization, synchronization, coordination, and evaluation phase, shows the action for organizing national defense for national defense coordination with the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council as the coordinator, along with all ministries, institutions and local governments as related government institution/agencies, with the success indicator of being attended by all officials in the middle administration position or its equivalent position.

Furthermore, there is also the 2018 action of organizing state defense education and training plan with the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council as the coordinator and all ministries, institutions and local governments as related government institution/agencies, with the success indicator of being a compiled manual for the implementation of National Defense education and training.

In the internalization phase of the National Defense Basic Values, there are training/upgrading of the National Defense Cadre with the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council as the coordinator and all ministries, institutions and local governments as related government institution/agencies, with the success indicator being the establishment of National Defense cadres in ministries, institutions and local governments.

In addition, there is also dissemination on the development of national defense awareness among women, youth, students and college students, with the Secretariat General of the National Resilience Council and Coordinating Ministers as the coordinator with understanding of National Defense urgency is built as a success indicator.

At the Movement Action phase, the plan is divided into several classifications, among others 1. demographic field which consist: a. factual threats: uncontrolled population growth and uneven population distribution; b. potential threats: vulnerability of the quality of life from health aspect and 2. geography field which consist: a. factual threats: Indonesia’s geographic position is in the Pacific ring of fire, the decline in awareness of the Indonesia’s geostrategic position. b. potential threats: conflict among people and cross-border friction. (ES) (GWH/EP/Naster)

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