Gov’t to Give Sustainable Allowance for National Heroes, Independence Fighters

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 Oktober 2018
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2OctIn a bid to implement provisions in Article 14 paragraph (5) of Government Regulation Number 39 of 2012 on the Implementation of Social Welfare, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 17 September 2018 signed Presidential Regulation Number 78 of 2018 on Requirements and Procedures, as well as the Amount of Sustainable Allowance for Heroes, Independence Fighters, and Families of National Heroes.

“Sustainable allowance is given to improve welfare of heroes, independence fighters, and families of national heroes and as a token of appreciation from the state,” Article 3 of the Presidential Regulation reads.

Based on this Presidential Regulation, the sustainable allowance will be given to: a. heroes; b. independence fighters; c. families of national heroes.

The sustainable Allowance for heroes will be given in form of veterans allowance and honorary fund.

Meanwhile, sustainable allowance for independence fighters will be given in form of: a. medical allowance; b. living allowance; and/or c. housing allowance, while sustainable allowance for families of national heroes will be given in form of: a.  medical allowance; b. living allowance; c. housing allowance; and/or d. education allowance.

“Medical allowance as intended covers: a. access to health care facilities; b. inpatient cost; c. medicine cost,” Article 9 paragraph (3) of this Presidential Instruction reads.

Based on this Presidential Regulation, living cost covers: a. purchase of clothing; b. purchase of foods; c. additional nutrient intakes; and d. entertainment expenses. Housing allowance covers: a. house maintenance/ rent cost; b. electricity expenses; and c. clean water expenses, while, education allowance will be given in the form of scholarship.

As for the deceased independence fighters, the sustainable allowance will be given to their widows/widowers who are legitimate by law. In the event that widows/widowers receive the allowance, this Presidential Regulation regulates that the sustainable allowance will be handed to their biological or adopted children.

On the other hand, sustainable allowance for families of national heroes will be disbursed to widows/widowers of national heroes, or their biological or adopted children if the widows/widowers pass away.

“The sustainable allowance for independence fighters and families of national heroes as intended will be given all at one time once a year,” Article 10 paragraph (1, 2) of the Presidential Regulation says.

Disbursement of Sustainable Allowance for independence fighters and families of national heroes as intended will be conducted and will be the responsibility of working unit on fighter and hero administration at Ministry of Social Affairs.

Based on the Presidential Regulation, the sustainable allowance for independence fighters amounts to Rp8,692,000 per year, while allowance for their widows/widowers amounts to Rp2,000,000.

For families of national heroes, the sustainable allowance reaches Rp50,000,000 per year.

“The Sustainable Allowance for independence fighters or their widows/widowers as intended is an additional of token of appreciation that is awarded according to the provisions of laws and regulations,” Article 20 reads.

The Presidential Regulation also states that disbursement of sustainable allowance for independence fighters will be stopped when independence fighters, widows/widowers of independence fighters: a. passes away; or b. commits a criminal offense punishable by imprisonment for a term up to five years.

Sustainable Allowance for the Families of National Heroes will also be stopped when Widows/Widowers and biological or adopted children of the national heroes passes away.

“This Presidential Regulation shall apply as of the date of its promulgation,” reads Article 22 of Presidential Regulation Number 78 of 2018. The regulation was stipulated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly on 18 September 2018. (Pusdatin/ES)(RAS/YM/Naster)

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