Home Affairs Minister Asks Regional Heads to Hold Pancasila Day Ceremony Despite Eid Holiday

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 25 Mei 2019
Category: News
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Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo

Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo

Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo instructed Governors and Regents/Mayors to hold flag-raising ceremonies in their respective regions to commemorate the birth of Pancasila (the Five Principles/ the Indonesian State Philosophy), which falls at Saturday, 1 June 2019 or coincided with the first day of a week-long Eid holiday.

This matter was stated in Radiogram Number 019.1/4110/Sj dated 21 May 2019 which was addressed to the Governors and Regents/Mayors in Indonesia and in linked with a letter from Acting Head of the Agency for the Implementation of State Ideology of Pancasila (BPIP) Number B.116/Ka.BPIP/05/2019 on the 2019 Pancasila Birth Day Commemoration Guidelines dated 13 May 2019.

Furthermore, the regional heads were also urged to organize activities which support the understanding of Pancasila values to widely disseminate the spirit of Pancasila in their respective institutions.

“We urge the Regional Heads to hold flag-raising ceremonies and to conduct activities which instill Pancasila values, to organize publications, as well as to put up Pancasila Birthday Commemoration banners,” Tjahjo said.

This year’s Pancasila Day adopts the theme ‘Kita Indonesia, Kita Pancasila’ (We are Indonesia, We are Pancasila). The 2019 Pancasila Day Guidelines can be downloaded on the BPIP official website at www.bpip.go.id . (Puspen Kemendagri/ES)


Translated by : Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Edited by : Estu Widyamurti, Mia M. Bonaedy

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