Mutual Respect among Indonesians is Built Through Knowing Each Other, President Jokowi Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 17 Agustus 2019
Category: News
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President Jokowi accompanied by Minister of State Secretary Pramono Anung talk in an amicable gathering with members of a national flag-hoisting team (Paskibraka) and Gita Bahana Nusantara Orchestra, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Saturday (17/8). (Photo by: OJI/PR)

After leading a flag lowering ceremony at the Merdeka Palace Complex, Jakarta, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo accompanied by Minister of State Secretary Pramono Anung held an amicable gathering with members of a national flag-hoisting team (Paskibraka) and Gita Bahana Nusantara Orchestra, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Saturday (17/8).

The President told members of Paskibraka and the orchestra who came from all provinces across the archipelago that the diversity of Indonesia is God’s destiny, God’s rule for Indonesia.

“We consist of different local languages, ethnic groups, and traditions. However, this is Indonesia, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” President Jokowi said.

The President asserted that those differences should not separate us, but unite us.

“Allow me to hand over the future of Indonesia in your care,” he said adding that all Indonesians regardless their domiciles should know other fellow countrymen who come from other provinces.

By knowing each other, it can build mutual respect because this is Indonesia, the President said.

President Jokowi called on people to not split up because of political choices in general and regional elections. There are cases that a presidential election made friends stop talking to each other. The same situation goes with regional elections that made village splitting up;  neighbors,  friends, families  stop talking to each other. We have to understand this to be able to overcome the issue.

According to the President, other countries look up to Indonesia as a country that upholds the values of tolerance, hospitality, politeness, and religious tolerance.

“Once again, I reiterate that the future of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia must be maintained at all costs. We cannot bear to see our country which has much diversity divides up because of conflicts,” he firmly said.

President Jokowi called on all people to bear in mind that all Indonesians are brothers and sisters to others and relay the message to their friends, families, and neighbors. (MAY/OJI/ES)



Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Mia Medyana Bonaedy

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