Communication Ministry Still Imposes Internet Blackout in Papua and West Papua

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 Agustus 2019
Category: News
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Ministry of Communication and Informatics continues to impose internet blackout in Papua and West Papua provinces considering widespread hoaxes and false information related to racial discrimination.

The Ministry’s Acting Head of Public Relations Bureau Ferdinandus Setu said that the measure is in place until security in the provinces can be restored.

“To date, people in that provinces can still communicate by using phone call and SMS,” Ferdinandus said in Jakarta, Friday (24/8).

For the record, after having coordination with law enforcement agencies and related institution, the Ministry has blocked internet service to accelerate the process of restoring security and order in Papua and surrounding areas since Wednesday (21/8).

Based on an evaluation on Friday (23/8), the Government stated that though situation in several cities and regencies in Papua and West Papua provinces return to being conducive, hoaxes and false information related to racial discrimination are still widespread.

The Ministry has identified and verified approximately 33 contents and 849 links to hoaxes, provocative speeches related to Papuan issue as of Friday (23/8). Those hoaxes have been circulated to hundreds of thousands of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube accounts.

Ministry of Communication and Informatics once again urges the public not to spread questionable information which can be considered as hoaxes and hate speech that could separate the nation based on SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, and group affiliation).

The Ministry urges the public as well to report through, whatsapp 0811 922 4545, or twitter account @aduankonten if they find hoax, or hate speech. (Ministry of Communication and Informatics/ES)




Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Mia Medyana Bonaedy

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