Gov’t Intensifies Infrastructures Development of Citarum River Basin Area

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 Juni 2020
Category: News
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The Government through Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing supports the continuation of national environmental program of Citarum Harum by constructing several infrastructures to control pollution and damage of Citarum River Basin Area (DAS) in West Java.

The support is a follow-up of President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s directives which are stated in the Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2018 on the Acceleration of Citarum River Basin Area Pollution and Damage Control.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono asserted that in order to succeed the Citarum Harum Program, it needs synergy between the Central and Regional Governments, as well as the public which have been agreed in action plans that set up responsibility of each stakeholder.

The management of Citarum River is conducted in an integrated manner starting from rehabilitation/normalization of middle course of the river, improvement of river capacity by developing a tunnel, construction of new settlement for people who were relocated from river banks, construction of wastewater and solid waste management facilities, and law enforcement efforts.

In order to support Citarum Harum Program, the Ministry has conducted water resources management, wastewater and solid waste management along rivers and settlements, including flood control in the downstream areas. A number of infrastructures have been developed including oxbow river normalization project, which has been implemented since 2019 in 5 locations, such as Kali Mati Dara Ulin, Mahmud, Bojong Soang, Sapan, and Cisangkuy, with a total budget of Rp33.8 billion.

In addition to that project, the Ministry has also completed the construction of 4.75 hectares of Cieunteung Retention Basin in Baleendah that can accommodate 190,000 m3 of water. The Basin which is constructed by using Rp203 billions of budget is equipped with three water pumps that operate during flood which can flow 3.5 m3/second and 1 regular water pump which can flow 1.5 m3/second. Water that is flowed to the Basin can reduce flood discharge of Citarum River in Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah Sub-districts.

The Ministry is also planning to construct Andir Retention Basin and polders with a total budget of Rp114 billions to accommodate flood discharge in Bandung Regency. The infrastructures will be constructed in 5 locations: Cijambe Barat, Cijambe Timur, Cigede, Cipalasari, and Cisangkuy. The construction will begin in August 2020 and complete in 2021.

In the 2020 Budget, the Ministry has allocated Rp56.1 billion for Cash Labor-intensive Programs to support the management of environmental pollution and damage as the impacts of industrial and domestic activities along Citarum River Basin Area (DAS) banks.

The Program covers the development of Reduced, Reused, and Recycled Waste Management Sites (TPS3R), and Community-Based Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation (Pamsimas) in 103 locations spreading throughout 9 cities/regencies in West Java.

To support the financing scheme of waste management project in Citarum River Basin Area, a loan agreement with the World Bank amounting US$100 million (Rp1.58 trillion) has been signed for Improvement of Solid Waste Management Support Regional and Metropolitan Cities Project (ISWMP). The agreement shall remain in effect from 3 April 2020 to 30 November 2025.

The budget will be used to fund the construction of Integrated Waste Processing Site (TPST) at cities level and to procure waste transport vehicles (US$77 million) to support waste management in the Greater Bandung Regional Metropolitan Area (Bandung City, Cimahi City, Bandung Regency, and West Bandung Regency) and outside Bandung Metropolitan Area (Cianjur Regency, Purwakarta, Karawang, and Bekasi). To date, 17 out of 77 locations have been acquired.

The Ministry also has cooperation with the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) to maintain and rehabilitate condition of Citarum River by dredging rivers, planting trees, and conducting join dissemination and patrol. The program is carried out during a period of 2018-2020 by using Rp551.41 billion of budget.

For the record, Citarum River spanning 297 kilometers that crossing 9 regencies/cities is the source of raw water for drinking, irrigation system for hundred thousands of rice fields, and source of water for hydro power plant for the islands of Java and Bali. Along the river, there are 3 dams namely Saguling Dam, Cirata Dam, and Jatiluhur Dam.

In 2021, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing will carry out the program to control pollution and damage of Citarum River Basin Area (DAS) through several efforts, including cooperation with the TNI that has a total budget of Rp618.6 billion that will cover normalization river in 6 locations (Rp137 billion), rehabilitation of river in 3 locations (Rp125 billion), maintenance of river in 6 locations (Rp6.6 billion), flood control in 2 locations (Rp100 billion), construction of flood control facilities in Cibeet River (Rp50 billion), and cooperation program with the TNI (Rp200 billion). (Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing/EN)




Translated by : Rany Anjany
Reviewed by: Yuyu Mulyani

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