Minister: Islamic Schools, Boarding Schools May Reopen with Conditions
Islamic Schools and Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia should meet four conditions before calling the students to get back to classroom, Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi has announced.
“Islamic schools may opt for face-to-face learning with their own considerations surely by paying attention to health protocols so everything remains safe,” the Minister said on the Youtube channel of Ministry of Education and Culture, Friday (7/8).
According to him, the conditions are, among others, schools environment should be safe from COVID-19, teachers should be safe from COVID-19, students should be safe from COVID-19, and strict health protocols must be enforced.
The Minister also said almost all Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia have conducted face-to-face learning activities. By doing such protocols, he continued, those Islamic boarding schools are safe from the spread of the virus.
“Alhamdulillah, so far only three Islamic boarding schools are reported to have coronavirus cases. The percentage is only 0.0000,” Fachrul said, adding that unlike boarding schools, reopening regular school is more challenging as students in regular schools do not stay inside the school compound.
“It is harder to trace their movements outside school area,” Fachrul said.
The Minister also called on the communities, especially parents, to participate in monitoring student movements.
“Do remind the children to go home straight from school,” the Minister said. (PR of Ministry of Religious Affairs/EN)
Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Reviewed by: M. Ersan Pamungkas