Religious Affairs Ministry Allocates Budget for Religious Education Assistance Program

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 25 November 2020
Category: News
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Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi. (Photo: Secretariat President/Kris)

In order to support the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program, Ministry of Religious Affairs has allocated Rp5.7 trillion to provide assistance for religious education that is affected by COVID-19 pandemic, Minister of Religious Affairs Fachrul Razi has said.

“Budget allocated for the assistance program is Rp5.7 trillion. The figure is really huge and we will make the best use of it,” the Minister said in a press statement on the development of PEN program at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (25/11).

He explained that the budget will be used to support long-distance learning (PJJ) at madrasah (Islamic schools) and to provide internet subsidy for university students. Moreover, it also covers operational support for Islamic education, Islamic boarding schools, Islamic schools, and Quran education academy. Internet subsidy is also provided for Islamic boarding schools and teachers.

The budget of State General Treasurer (BA-BUN) has been also allocated for Ministry of Religious Affairs. It will be used for Education Operational Fund (BOP) such as to increase School Operational Assistance (BOS) and to optimize educational goods expenditure,” the Minister said.

The budget is also allocated to provide internet subsidy for students, lecturers, and teachers. Of the total budget, Rp1.16 trillion is allocated for 9,958,011 madrasah students and Rp987.7 billion is allocated for 1,123,153 university students.

“Thank God, the budget was approved and it will be disbursed soon. I believe it can support the students and teachers,” he added.

Meanwhile, Rp3 billions of the budget is allocated for 200 Christian universities. In addition, Rp361 million of the budget is allocated for 1,442 Buddhist university students and 139 lecturers.

The Religious Affairs Ministry’s Hindu Community Guidelines Directorate General also receives Rp1.65 billion that will be used to give assistance to Hindu teachers and schools.

“We also provide internet subsidy to support the implementation of long-distance learning for teachers at Islamic, Christian, Catholic, Hinduism, Buddhist, Hindu, and Confucian Schools. The assistance was stipulated in Decree of the Minister of Religious Affairs Number 0715 of 2020 on Guidelines on Internet Data Usage,” he said.

The Minister expressed his gratitude and hope that the assistance can help teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. (COVID-19 Mitigation and National Economic Recovery Committee Communication Team/UN) (RAS/MMB)

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