Umbulan Drinking Water Supply System in E. Java Begins Operation

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 Maret 2021
Category: News
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President Jokowi inaugurating Umbulan drinking water supply system in Pasuruan, East Java province, Monday (22/03/2021).

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo Monday (22/03) inaugurated Umbulan drinking water supply system in Pasuruan regency, East Java province.

“Thank God, Umbulan drinking water supply system is now ready and able to be used by the public,” said the President.

For the record, the drinking water supply system with a capacity of 4,000 liters per second can fulfill clean water demand in five regions in the province, including Pasuruan regency, Pasuruan city, Gresik regency, Sidoarjo regency, and Surabaya city.

“The water from this system is clean and can be used directly. No complicated processes,” the President added.

On that occasion, the Head of State also said that the infrastructure, which is built with the Public Private Partnership scheme and a budget of Rp2.56 trillion, must bring optimal benefits for the people.

“The big project has been completed. The main pipe construction has been finished, so households should not have any difficulty to use it,” he remarked.  (FID/UN) (DH/EP)

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