COVID-19 National Working Committee: No Mudik to Protect Family
Spokesperson of COVID-19 National Working Committee Wiku Adisasmito called on the public to make wise decision to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 2021 considering the ongoing pandemic.
He warned the public to consider the risk of travelling during Eid holidays and during the long-waited mudik (exodus before Eid) since their mobility potentially triggers the COVID-19 transmission as happened in last year’s Eid. There is risk of losing family member from COVID-19 if they insist to participate in mudik during this time of confinement.
“Once again, not participating in mudik is a tough decision. Nevertheless, the Committee is optimistic that the public is mature enough to be able to make the best decision in protecting their families and relatives,” Wiku said.
According to him, the connection between people’s mobility and hike in COVID-19 cases are discovered in Riau, Jambi, and Lampung during a period of 1 January – 12 April 2021.
“The three provinces showed a positive trend in people’s mobility to shopping centers/malls which was followed by the increase in (COVID-19) positive cases,” he said on Thursday (29/4).
For the record, Riau Province showed an increase of 7 percent in people’s mobility which was followed by an increase in weekly active case of 71 percent. Meanwhile, Jambi showed an increase of 22 percent in people’s mobility which was followed by an increase in weekly active case of 14 percent, and Lampung showed an increase of 33 percent in people’s mobility which was followed by an increase in weekly active case of 14 percent. (COVID-19 NATIONAL WORKING COMMITTEE / AIT/TAR) (RAS/LW)