Cabinet Secretariat Holds FGD on Integrated Social Welfare Data
The Office of Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Human Development and Culture on Monday (03/05) held an online Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on measures to update the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as the basis for distribution of well-targeted social assistance.
Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Human Development and Culture Yuli Harsono said that the FGD aimed to discuss views from stakeholders on issues in updating the DTKS.
“In accordance with the function of Cabinet Secretariat, which is to conduct studies and provide recommendations to the Government programs, we will submit policy recommendations to the President regarding updating the DTKS as the basis for distributing targeted social assistance,” he said.
Yuli also said that Ministry of Social Affairs has updated the DTKS which was later called the New DTKS. The measure is taken based on Decree of Minister of Social Affairs Number 12/HUK/2021 on the DTKS for the First Term of 2021.
“In the New DTKS, Ministry of Social Affairs has inactivated about 21 million duplicate data without reducing the quota for the social assistance recipients, and has provided access to the public on,” he said.
Yuli maintained that the measures to improve the DTKS were consistent with the commitment made by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo to provide social protection for the people.
“Social protection measures are carried out through social assistance programs, including family hope program, staple food cards, cash transfer, and pre-employment cards; encouraging comprehensive social protection reforms based on life cycles and anticipation of the aging population; improving the DTKS and mechanisms for distributing social protection programs, as well as strengthening monitoring and evaluation,” said Yuli quoting the President’s address before the House of Representatives on 14 August 2020.
Yuli further said that the President had also made statements on the importance of the updated DTKS at the Internal Meeting on 7 December 2020 and at the Limited Cabinet Meeting on 29 December 2020.
For the record, the keynote speaker of the FGD was Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini. Joining the FGD were, among others, several high-ranking officials from the Government Ministries and Agencies. (FID/UN) (RI/MUR)