Presidential Staffer Lauds Bali for Its Regional Disabilities Committee
Presidential Special Staffer Angkie Yudistia on Monday (21/6) met with Deputy Governor of Bali Tjokorda Oka Artha Ardhana Sukawati (Coka Ace) to discuss the National Disabilities Commission (KND) to be set up by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo this year.
“We talk about Bali that has established Regional Disabilities Committee. It is really interesting. Once the National Disabilities Commission is established, we already received support from regional governments,” she said after the meeting.
The establishment of KND aims to exercise mandates of Law Number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities. The Commission will oversee, evaluate, and advocate the implementation, acts of respect, protection, and fulfillment of rights of persons with disabilities.
The Commission will be established coinciding with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December this year, she added.
Angkie who is also a member of selection committee for the KND candidates stated that the public showed great enthusiasm toward the selection. The committee will choose 14 candidates out of 1,200 people registered for the selection.
“Minister of Social Affairs will submit the list of fourteen candidates to the President; he will then select seven candidates to be installed,” she explained.
In the meantime, the Deputy Governor expressed his excitement over the establishment of the KND. He expressed hope that the KND can work in synergy with Regional Disabilities Committee in Bali. (SND/AIT/UN) (RAS/MUR)