Gov’t Completes Construction of Three New Dams

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 Juni 2021
Category: News
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Kuningan Dam in West Java (Photo by: PR of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing)

In a bid to support national food security, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing has completed the construction of three new dams and has started the impounding process in June.

The three multifunctional dams are the Way Sekampung Dam in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung Province; the Paselloreng Dam in Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province; and the Kuningan Dam in Kuningan Regency, West Java Province.

The construction of the three dams, which is a part of the National Strategic Program (PSN), aims to increase water reservoirs so that the continuity of irrigation water supply to national food barns is maintained.

“The construction of the dams must be followed by the construction of irrigation networks, so that with a continuous supply of water from the dams, farmers who previously only planted once a year, can grow 2-3 times a year,” Spokesperson for the Ministry Endra S. Atmawidjaja said, as quoted from the Ministry’s website, Thursday (24/06).

The Way Sekampung Dam has a capacity of 68 million cubic meters which will be used for irrigation water supply covering an area of ​​72,707 hectares in the irrigation areas of Sekampung (​​55,373 hectares) and Rumbia Extension (​17,334 hectares).

In addition to supporting food needs in Lampung, this dam, with an inundation area of ​​800 hectares, also served a function as flood control infrastructure (185 cubic meters/second) due to its integration with the Batutegi Dam and Margatiga Dam (on-going). This multifunctional dam also has the potential to provide 2,482 liters/second raw water for the City of Bandar Lampung, Metro City, and South Lampung Regency, electric power of 5.4 megawatts, as well as to become a tourist attraction in Pringsewu Regency.

Meanwhile, Paselloreng Dam has a capacity of 138 million cubic meters and an inundation area of ​​169 hectares. The construction of this dam is combined with the construction of the Gilireng weir and irrigation network which is able to irrigate ​​8,510 hectares of rice fields.

This dam can also serve as a source of raw water for four districts in Wajo Regency at 200 liters/second, flood control infrastructure for the downstream area of ​​the Gilireng River at 1,000 cubic meters/second, infrastructure for the sectors of freshwater fisheries and tourism, as well as conservation of water resources in the green belt area.

Furthermore, the Kuningan Dam has a capacity of 25.9 million cubic meters with an inundation area of ​​221.59 hectares. This dam will supply water for irrigation areas covering an area of ​​3,000 hectares in several areas of Eastern West Java and parts of Central Java. Apart from irrigation, this dam is aimed to become a source of raw water for Kuningan Regency at 0.30 cubic meters/second, reducing flood discharge by 213 cubic meters/second, and a source of 0.50 megawatts of electricity. (PR of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing/UN) (FI/LW)

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