Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Inauguration of the Section of Kelapa Gading–Pulo Gebang Toll Road of the Six Inner-City Toll Roads, 23 August 2021, at Cakung Toll Gate, East Jakarta, DKI Jakarta Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Agustus 2021
Category: Remarks @en
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 Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

May peace be upon us all.

Distinguished Minister of Public Works and Public Housing,

Distinguished Governor of DKI Jakarta,

Distinguished President Commissioner of PT Jakarta Tollroad Development.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Alhamdulillah, this morning, the construction of the Pulo Gebang–Kelapa Gading Toll Road spanning 9.3 kilometers has finished and it can be used by all people. This toll road will support toll roads in Jakarta Greater Area (Jabodetabek) and be part of the Jakarta Inner-City and Jakarta Outer Ring Road Toll.

This 9.3-kilometer toll road is expected to increase the speed of logistics distribution and improve competitiveness of Indonesian commodities because it is connected to Marunda Special Economic Zone and Tanjung Priok port in North Jakarta, so that it will really enhance our competitiveness. In particular, it will improve people’s mobility in Jakarta as well as goods’ mobility between Jakarta and other cities.

One thing that is not less important is the financing model. Hopefully the scheme can also be adopted in other toll road development, that is to mix budget through blended finance, either between a ministry with state-owned enterprises, between Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises and the private sectors or also known as Public-Private Partnership (KPBU) in order to accelerate the construction of toll roads that has been planned.

I hope that this financing scheme can be adopted in infrastructure development in all provinces across the country in order to overcome inequality in development among regions and provinces. With this scheme, we also hope that we can boost our national connectivity.

That concludes my speech. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this morning, I officially inaugurate the section of Kelapa Gading–Pulo Gebang Toll Road.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. (AP/MMB)

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