Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Latest Development of Public Activity Restrictions (PPKM), 23 August 2021, at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Agustus 2021
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good evening,

Peace and prosperity be upon us,

Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.

Ladies and Gentlemen, My Fellow Citizens,

The COVID-19 pandemic is not over yet and some countries are currently experiencing the third wave with significant additions of cases. Therefore, we must remain vigilant and the Government perseveres to implement the right policies to control this pandemic.

Since the peak of cases on 15 July 2021, the confirmed cases have continued to decline and are now down by 78 percent. The recovery rate has consistently been higher than that of the confirmed cases over the past few weeks. It has also contributed significantly to the decline in the national bed occupancy rate (BOR) which currently stands at 33 percent.

For this reason, the Government has decided that from 24 to 30 August 2021, some regions can lower their level from 4 to 3. For Java and Bali islands, the agglomeration areas of Greater Jakarta, Greater Bandung, Greater Surabaya, and several other cities/regencies can already be adjusted to Level 3 starting on 24 August 2021.

For Java and Bali islands, there is a fairly good development. The level 4 areas have decreased from 67 regencies/cities to 51 regencies/cities; the Level 3 areas from 59 regencies/cities to 67 regencies/cities; and Level 2 areas from two regencies/cities to ten regencies/cities.

Regions outside Java and Bali have also shown good progress, but must still remain vigilant; Level 4, from 11 provinces to seven provinces; Level 4, from 132 regencies/cities to 104 regencies/cities; Level 3, from 215 regencies/cities to 234 regencies/cities; Level 2, from 39 regencies/cities to 48 regencies/cities.

Following the improvement in several indicators, the Government considered gradual adjustments to some restrictions on community activities, as follows:

– Places of worship are allowed to open for worship activities with a maximum capacity of 25 percent or a maximum of 30 people.

– Restaurants are allowed to take dine-in consumers with a maximum of 25 percent capacity with two people per table and operating hours of limited to 20:00.

– Shopping centers/malls are allowed to open until 20:00 with a maximum capacity of 50 percent, with strict implementation of health protocols further regulated by regional governments.

 – Export-oriented and supporting industries can operate 100 percent. However, if it creates a new cluster of COVID-19, it will be closed for five days.

This adjustment to some restrictions on community activities must be followed by strict health protocols and the use of the PeduliLindungi application as an entry requirement.

In the last few days, I have seen that vaccination coverage continues to expand and currently 90.59 million doses of vaccine have been administered. I order Minister of Health that by the end of August, we must be able to achieve more than 100 million doses of vaccine jabs.

The involvement of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and the National Police (Polri) in tracing efforts also contributed to the increase in the ratio of close contacts. On 20 August 2021, the close contact ratio reached 6.5, much higher than that on 31 July 2021, which was at 1.9.

The improvement in the current pandemic situation must be dealt with carefully and with full vigilance. The reopening of community activities must still be carried out step by step in line with stricter health protocols, high testing and tracing efforts, as well as wider vaccination coverage. This needs to be done so that the reopening of community activities has no impact on increasing cases.

May Allah the Almighty God, the Most Glorified, the Most High, always bestow His Grace and make it easier for us to face every challenge. Aamiin ya rabbal alamin.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. (FI/MUR)

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