Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia at Dialogue with the People of Poso and Merauke (through Video Conference), 17 August 2021, from the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 17 Agustus 2021
Category: Dialog @en
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Representative of the Merauke People, Papua

Honorable President of the Republic of Indonesia and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia. Let us, the people of Merauke, wish a happy Independence Day. We would like to extend our appreciation to Mr. President who has given us the opportunity to interact directly with you on this Independence Day.

We are grateful that at the age of the 76th anniversary of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), the people of Merauke always live in peace and harmony, because Merauke is a palace of peace.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

I thank you Merauke, I’ll see you in October during the National Sports Week (PON). InsyaAllah, at the same time we will inaugurate the Southeast Sulawesi Integrated Cross-Border Post (PLBN) in Southeast Sulawesi.

Thank you. Long live the Republic of Indonesia.

Thank you, Merauke.

Poso, please join us.

Central Sulawesi Regional Police Chief (Abdul Rakhman Baso)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May prosperity be upon us all,


Om Swastiastu.

Greetings of Independence,

A Resilient Indonesia,

An Advancing Indonesia.

Honorable, Your Excellency Mr. President, we the Madago Raya Task Force together with the people of Dusun Manggalapi, extend our gratitude and highest appreciation for the time given to us so that we can interact with Mr. President at the 76th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

Mr. President, I, the Central Sulawesi Regional Police Chief currently with Military Resort Command (Danrem) 132 Tadulako, Deputy Speaker III of Central Sulawesi Legislative Councils (DPRD), Head of Madago Raya Task Force, Palu Airbase Commander (Danlanud), Donggala Military Command (Dandim), and Sigi and Parigi Police Chiefs (Kapolres), as well as representatives of the people of Dusun Manggalapi.

The village is one of the operational areas of Madago Raya. And to date, we report, Mr. President, that the general security and public order situation in the Central Sulawesi region are conducive, alhamdulillah.

Regarding terrorist groups included in the wanted list (DPO) in Poso, since we took action against three DPO groups some time ago, until today the security situation remains conducive, with no acts of terror, especially during the 76th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

Then, we are here in this place together with the people of Dusun Manggalapi, who have never been participated in the ceremony on 17 August. And today, together with the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri), as well as the regional government, we participated in the commemoration ceremony of the 76th Anniversary of the Proclamation of Indonesia’s Independence.

And at the same time, we convey Mr. President, that the people of Dusun Manggalapi are very proud and touched since they can meet firsthand and expressed their appreciation directly to the President at the moment of Commemoration of the 76th Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

That’s all, Mr. President.

I thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

I thank you, Mr. Kapolda, for your hard work so that Poso is now much safer and we hope that in the future, the remaining tasks that have been ordered will be completed.

Once again, Long Live the Republic of Indonesia.


Thank you.

Head of Dusun Manggalapi

We are very grateful and thankful for this ceremony, the first ceremony for us. The Poso people were new to the flag-hoisting ceremony.

Yesterday, they felt the independence as the Red and White flag was hoisted. That’s what we’re always grateful for in this place.

This place has fertile land, but our limited road access hampers people’s mobility. Moreover, transportation [services] is also very difficult to access.

We’d also like to inform you Mr. President, that the people in Manggalapi are majority Christians, while the minority religious group is Muslim. However, we live in harmony and peace, there is no disagreement between one another.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

I thank you. The most important thing once again, we should maintain the security together involving TNI-Polri and the community.

I thank you. (SA/MMB)

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