President Jokowi in Aceh to Inspect Door-to-Door COVID-19 Vaccination

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 16 September 2021
Category: News
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President Jokowi on his inspection of door-to-door vaccination at Panampaan village, Harjamukti district, Cirebon city, Tuesday (31/08). (Photo by: BPMI/Muchlis Jr)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo started his working visit in the provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra by inspecting the door-to-door COVID-19 mass-vaccination in Aceh Besar regency.

Around 1,500 people in Lambro Bileu village, Kuta Baro district received the vaccine during the event.

“Today, I, together with Head of State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, conducted a door-to-door vaccination program to ensure acceleration of vaccination in Aceh province,” President Jokowi said after the inspection, Thursday (16/09).

According to the President, the door-to-door vaccination is intended to provide better service to the public.

In addition, around 30,000 people will also receive the COVID-19 vaccine through door-to-door service and around 42 thousand students in Aceh Besar district will also receive the jab, President Jokowi added.

The President expressed hope that with the Government efforts to boost vaccination rate, the spread of COVID-19 in the country can be brought under control.

“Vaccination is a way to control the spread of COVID-19. I hope the with more people get vaccinated, the more protection we can get. We must start learning to live with COVID-19 since it is impossible to disappear completely from our country,” he remarked. (TGH/UN) (GWH/EP)

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