Social Minister: Health Insurance Contribution Aid Beneficiary Data is Integrated with DTKS

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 September 2021
Category: News
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Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Rahmat)

Ministry of Social Affairs has announced it is focused on ensuring the accuracy of the social welfare integrated data (DTKS), which is the database for social aid programs in all ministries, including the national health insurance (JKN) managed by Ministry of Health.

According to Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, health insurance contribution aid beneficiaries (PBI-JK) must be underprivileged citizens who have a national identification number (NIK) that matches the data from Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil) of Ministry of Home Affairs.

“We cannot give aids to [people with] data that does not match the NIK from Dukcapil. The data that does not match must be removed. It can be caused by segment moving, death, doubled data, or unfitness with underprivileged category,” Risma said, quoted from the website of Ministry of Social Affairs, Tuesday (28/09).

Risma stressed that her Ministry updates the DTKS periodically and systematically while also matching beneficiary data with the NIK registered in Dukcapil, adding that the data is updated and matched to ensure that social aids are distributed to the right target with principles of accountability.

Risma also stated that her Ministry uses three regulations as the bases of the PBI-JK program.

First, Law Number 40 of 2004 on the National Social Security System Article 14 Paragraph 2 stresses that contribution aid beneficiaries are the poor and underprivileged.

Second, Presidential Regulation Number 82 of 2018 on Health Insurance Article 8 Paragraph 2 states that participants’ identity contains at least name and identity number integrated with NIK, except for newborn babies. Thus, the data must match the data from the Dukcapil.

Third, Regulation of Minister of Social Affairs Number 21 of 2019 on Requirements and Data-Changing Methods for Health Insurance Contribution Aid Beneficiaries Article 4 states that the source of the PBI-JK is the DTKS fixed by Minister of Social Affairs.

“I fix the PBI-JK [data]once a month, so in the first week after I fix the DTKS, I give a chance to [regional governments] to send the data they have verified before I fix it in the middle of the month,” the Minister said.

As for the fixed data on 15 September 2021, the Minister pointed out that the PBI-JK data has been matched and 74,420,345 data matched the DTKS, while 12,633,338 were unavailable in the DTKS but matched with Dukcapil’s data.

“The data that is unavailable in the DTKS require verification about poor or underprivileged status from regional governments. If the verification results state that they qualify, the data can be added to the DTKS,” she said while urging regional governments to immediately validate the data unavailable in the DTKS.

“I hope regional governments can immediately verify and validate the 12,633,338 data and propose PBI-JK candidates through the Next Generation Social Welfare Information System (SIKS-NG),” she remarked.

The Minister added that to fulfill the national quota of 96.8 million beneficiaries, 9,746,317 new proposals can be made, including by updating the data that has not matched Dukcapil’s, migrating from regional PBI, and proposing for newborn babies, currently unemployed workers that have been laid off for six months, disaster victims, etc.

“Therefore, poor or underprivileged people who have not received aids need not feel disheartened. This is the chance for people who really need help. It can be proposed through the SIKS-NG by regional governments,” she said, adding that she has carried out coordination and synchronization with related agencies besides regional governments in the process of fixing the data.

“Including in fixing PBI-JKN [data], Ministry of Social Affairs has initially coordinated with Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Health, Healthcare and Social Security Agency, and Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration Agency, and the fixed data can be monitored through,” she remarked. (PR of Ministry of Social Affairs/UN) (DH/EP)

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