VP: Information Transformation, Digitalization Key to Freedom of Public Information

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 September 2021
Category: News
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Vice President Ma’ruf Amin (Photo: Bureau of Press, Media, and Information of Presidential Secretariat)

Freedom of information and access to public information are the people’s right that should be fulfilled according to the mandate of Law Number 14 of 2008 on Freedom of Public Information (KIP). Freedom of public information is aimed to realize democratic, good, and clean Indonesia. Therefore, access to public information should be optimized through, among others, information transformation and digitalization.

“In the effort to optimize better public information dissemination, especially in the pandemic era, information transformation and digitalization have a key role to support freedom of public information,” Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said during the virtual commemoration of International Right to Know Day of 2021 on Tuesday (28/09).

During the event adopting a theme “Creating Synergy of Freedom of Public Information for Developed and Integrated Indonesia”, Vice President further said that public information is quickly and easily accessible for many people due to information digitalization and the availability of platforms today. It should be a motivation for public institutions to immediately carry out their responsibility to provide public information. It is because commitment for freedom of public information is part of accountability of all public institutions to the people.

“All public institutions should be ready to transform, improve, and innovate to provide information quickly, accurately, safely, easily, cheaply in order to support public service quality. The measures taken to improve and innovate are sustainable and dynamic process according to current needs of the Government and the people,” Vice President stated.

Especially in this pandemic era, freedom of information and the accuracy of information are essential for the people, be it in the cities or villages.

“We need it in order to realize conducive situation for the implementation of Government’s priority programs, such as the application of health protocols and vaccination to control the spread of COVID-19. Therefore, the people can do their activities safely or healthily, and be productive, including the people in all villages nationwide,” he said.

Furthermore, the Vice President also explained that freedom of public information at village level has a significant role in realizing good governance of the village and also encouraging the village to actively participate, so it is more developed, independent, and stronger .

In this relation, the Vice President also extended his appreciation to ten village heads selected for their hard work and achievements in managing freedom of information in their villages, so their villages receive an award as the best village. He hoped that this achievement could inspire other villages in Indonesia to compete in developing freedom of information in order to create good governance of the village.

“I hope that this achievement could inspire other villages in Indonesia to compete in developing freedom of information and to encourage participation of the local people in order to create good governance of the village,” the Vice President said.

Previously, Chairman of the Central Information Commission Gede Narayana said that freedom of public information is the right of all people, including the people living in the villages.

“Appreciation given to the villages is a commitment to ensure that freedom of public information is also exercised in the life of all layers of community throughout Indonesia,” Gede affirmed.

In line with Chairman of the Central Information Commission, Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar said that at this moment, freedom of information in villages has been exercised in various ways, among others, by using billboards and also information boards at village halls. In the future, an e-government application for village level will be developed in order to support information digitalization.

“Starting from 2022 we will develop System of Performance Accountability of Village Revenues and Expenditures Budget, called as Sakti Desa, that will show results, benefits, and effects of every cent spent from the budget per fiscal year. Therefore, information system in villages will be complete, including aspects of data, participatory planning, program implementation, and accountability,” Abdul Halim said.

For the record, International Right to Know Day was firstly promoted in Sofia, Bulgaria, in 2002. Afterwards, the commemoration is held on 28 September every year. Meanwhile, Indonesia started to commemorate it since 2011. The International Right to Know Day is commemorated worldwide by countries that have Laws on Information Freedom.

Ten best villages that were awarded Appreciation for the Implementation of Freedom of Public Information are:

  1. Sendang village, Wonogiri district, Wonogiri regency, Central Java province.
  2. Punggul village, Abiansemal district, Badung regency, Bali province.
  3. Blang Kolak I village, Bebesan district, Central Aceh regency, Aceh province.
  4. Cibiru Wetan village, Cileunyi district, Bandung regency, West Java province.
  5. Kumbang village, Masbagik district, Lombok Timur regency, West Nusa Tenggara province.
  6. Kabuna village, Kakuluk Mesak district, Belu regency, East Nusa Tenggara province.
  7. Pohea village, North Sanana district, Sanana regency, North Maluku province.
  8. Karangsari village, Pengasih district, Kulon Progo regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta province.
  9. Kedungsumber village, Temayang district, Bojonegoro regency, East Java province.
  10. Teluk Kapuas village, Sungai Raya district, Kubu Raya regency, West Kalimantan province.

Some attendees in the commemoration event were Governor of Aceh Nova Iriansyah, regents and village heads throughout Indonesia. (Bureau of Press, Media, and Information of Vice President Secretariat/UN) (AW/MMB)

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