Gov’t Issues New Regulation for JHT Disbursement

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 29 April 2022
Category: News
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Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah on April 26, 2022 issued Regulation Number 4 of 2022 on Procedures and Requirements for Disbursement of Old-Age Benefits (JHT).

“Regulation of Minister of Manpower Number 4 of 2022 stipulates amendment to Minister of Manpower Regulation Number 2 of 2022, pursuant to directives of the President, after taking into account the demand of workers for simplification and convenience in the process of the JHT disbursement,” the Minister said in a press conference aired by the Ministry’s YouTube channel, Friday (04/29).

Ida said that the Ministry had held dialogues with various trade union confederations/labor unions, trade union federations/labor unions, and regional Manpower Offices, as well as with relevant Ministries/Institutions.

According to the Minister, the Regulation has also been consulted with the national Tripartite Cooperation Institution (LKS), which consists of representatives of trade unions/labor unions, employers’ organizations, and the Government.

“We also invite experts from various universities to give advice on the Regulation,” the Minister said.

On that occasion, the Minister explained several provisions stipulated in Regulation of Minister of Manpower Number 4 of 2022.

First, the Regulation restores the provisions in Regulation of Minister of Manpower Number 19 of 2015, especially regarding JHT disbursement for participants who have resigned from their job and participants affected by layoffs (PHK). The provision stipulates that the JHT can be disbursed after the waiting period of one month.

“(Participants who have resigned or have been laid off) do not need to wait until they are 56 years old to disburse the JHT,” Ida said.

Second, the requirements for JHT disbursement are simpler. For example, participants who have reached retirement age need two documents, namely membership card of the Social Security Agency for Workers (BPJS Ketenagakerjaan), and an ID card. Previously, four documents were required, namely the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan membership card, ID card, Family Card, and Certificate of the Retirement.

Third, the document for JHT disbursement may be submitted in the forms of electronic documents or hard copy, and the submission can be made online. There is also an ease in submitting proof of layoffs.

“With this convenience, it does not mean that employers can freely carry out layoffs. The layoff process must remain in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations,” Ida said.

In addition, the new regulation also stipulates several new provisions, namely JHT disbursement for contract workers and JHT disbursement for non-wage recipients.

The Regulation also states that the JHT disbursement must be carried out not later than five working days from the date of document submission, after the requirements are received completely and correctly by the BPJS Ketenegakerjaan. Workers can still claim JHT benefit although there are arrears in payment of JHT contributions by employers.

With the issuance of the Regulation of Minister of Manpower Number 4 of 2022, Regulation of Minister of Manpower Number 19 of 2015 and Regulation of Minister of Manpower Number 2 of 2022 are declared null and void.

“I hope all workers can stay focused and productive in carrying out their daily work, because the new JHT Regulation is in line with the demand of workers,” the Minister remarked. (UN) (RI/MUR)

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