Government Regulation No. 17/2015: the Government Will Have Food Reserves

By Humas     Date 10 April 2015
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Government Regulation No. 17/2015: the Government Will Have Food Reserves

In order to implement the provisions of Article 28 Paragraph (4), Article 43, Article 48 Paragraph (2), Article 52 Paragraph (2), Article 54 Paragraph (3), Article 112, Article 116, and Article 131 Paragraph (2) of the Act No. 18 of 2012 on Food, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on March 19, 2015 ago has signed the Government Regulation (The PP) No. 17 of 2015 on Food Security and Nutrition.

The PP as thick as 53 pages set the matters: a. Government Food Reserves and Local Government Food Reserves; b. Food Diversification and Improvement of Community Nutrition; c. Preparedness and Countermeasures of Food Crisis; d. Food Distribution, Food Trade and Food Assistance; e. Supervision; f. Food and Nutrition Information System; and g. Community participation.

Food Reserves

According to this PP, Government Food Reserves of certaint staple foods that are set based on the type and amount. “The certain staple food type as referred stipulated by President as the Government Food Reserves,” the wording of Article 4 the PP. No. The 17/2015.

Determination of the number of Government Food Reserves is conducted by considering: a. Certain Staple Basic Food Production nationally; b. Coping with the emergency and vulnerability of food; c. Control and stabilization of prices the certain Staple Food supply at the level of producers and consumers; d. Implementation of international agreements and international cooperation food aid; and e. Nutritional adequacy rate recommended.

The distribution of the Government Food Reserves conducted for overcome: a. Food shortages; b. Food price volatility; c. Social disaster; and/or d. State of emergency. In addition, the Government Food Reserves can also be used for international cooperation and assistance of foreign Food.

“Distribution of Government Food Reserves conducted based on the Ministerial coordination meeting/heads of institutions,” reads Article 9 Paragraph (2) of the PP

Besides of the Central Government, according to this regulation, Food Reserves also conducted at the Local Government level, which consists of: a. Food reserves of Village Government; b. Food reserves of District/City; and c. Food reserves of Provincial Government.

The type and the number Government Food Reserves at the village level, district/city, and the province, for the village proposed to the Regent/Mayor, being for the District/City stipulated at district/city level, and for the province established by the Provincial Government.

Food Diversification

“Food Diversification as referred can be conducted by the Government, local government, colleges, and / or local Food business communities,” reads Article 26, Paragraph (2) of Government Regulation No. 17 of 2015.

As for the determination of rules of Food Diversification as referred be carried out based: a. The principle of balanced Nutrition; b. Based resources and local wisdom; c. Environmentally friendly; and d. Safe.

“Government Regulation comes into force on the date of enactment,” the wording of Article 90 of Government Regulation No. 17 of 2015. (Pusdatin/ES)

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