President Jokowi Gives Directives for Monkeypox Prevention

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Agustus 2022
Category: News
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President Jokowi gives directives to Provincial Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KADIN) at TMII, East Jakarta, Tuesday (08/23). (Photo by: BPMI of Presidential Secretariat/Muchlis Jr)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has given several directives to prevent the spread of monkeypox in Indonesia.

The President gave his directives in his press statement after inspecting the renovation progress of Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) cultural park in Jakarta, Tuesday (08/23).

“I have ordered Minister of Health to immediately handle vaccination,” he said while also urging related institutions to carry out rigorous inspection at points of entry to Indonesia.

Second, at places with high human interaction and points of entry to our country, there must be strict safety checks,” he said.

Nevertheless, the Head of State urged the people not to panic as monkeypox transmission occurs when a patient already experiences symptoms and through a physical contact with the patient.

“But we need not panic because the transmission is through direct contacts, not droplets. I suppose the most important thing is for us to be ready to handle it,” he said.

For the record, Ministry of Health on Saturday (08/20) confirmed Indonesia’s first monkeypox infection in a 27-year-old man with prior international travel. (BPMI of Presidential Secretariat/UN) (DH/MMB)

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