Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Groundbreaking of Central General Hospital (RSUP) in the Nusantara Capital (IKN), North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan Province, December 20, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Desember 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamuálaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Good morning,
Peace be upon us all,
Honorable Ministers, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI), Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Head of the Authority, Mr. Ridwan Kamil, Regent of North Penajam Paser, all religious leaders and community leaders attending the event;
Ladies and gentlemen.

We have started the construction of three private hospitals that we had the groundbreaking ceremonies last month, two months ago, and three months ago respectively. These are the three hospitals. The first one is Hermina Hospital. The second one is Abdi Waluyo Hospital. And, the third one is Mayapada Hospital. And today, we have another groundbreaking for the Central General Hospital which will be built by the Government.

After this, three more private hospitals have joined the queue and I don’t know why people are so eager to build hospitals in the Nusantara capital. Once these hospitals are ready, our people will no longer have to go to Malaysia, Singapore, Japan or America for their healthcare. We hope that everything can be carried out in Indonesia, in the Nusantara capital, in particular.

Indeed, the focus of this Central General Hospital will only be on heart disease and stroke. When we look at the greenery here, there is a lot of oxygen; the mind should be happy; the stroke will go away in my opinion; the heart [disease] will also go away because of the green atmosphere here. In the future, I will always emphasize to anyone who develops in the Nusantara capital that the building must be a green building, a green building. Then, a green environment, the environment must also be a green environment. And, the whole area must be a green area and we will indeed make it green.

So, today we will also carry out reforestation, planting endemic trees, once again, so that the area in the Nusantara capital becomes a very green area. There is no capital in any country that is as green as the Nusantara.

And by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I officially declare the Groundbreaking of the Central General Hospital in the Nusantara capital.

I thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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