Indonesia Digital Test House for Digital Advancement

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 Mei 2024
Category: News
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Inauguration of Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH) at the Telecommunication Equipment Testing Center (BBPPT), in Depok city, West Java province, Tuesday (05/07). (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Oji)

The newly inaugurated Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH) is dubbed as the most comprehensive and largest digital device testing center in Southeast Asia with international standards, according to Minister of Telecommunication and Informatics Budi Arie Setiadi.

“This testing facility aims to ensure the safety and security of telecommunication device users throughout Indonesia and standardization of exported or imported devices as well as to guarantee interoperability and protection against interference among devices,” he said.

The Minister underscored that the IDTH is equipped with various state-of-the-art facilities with international standards to test digital device features such as radio frequency, electromagnetic compatibility, electrical safety, and specific absorption rate (SAR). The tested devices include laptops, mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, access points, digital televisions, handheld transceivers (HT), and also radars.

This inauguration, he added, also marked a significant increase in IDTH capacity. It used to test 644 features last year, but the number is projected to increase to 1,600 features in 2024 and 5,000 features in 2025-2026.

“We have also developed the function of IDTH to make it able to serve not only as a testing center but also a center of excellence of digital devices through cooperation with universities in human resource capacity building so they can adapt to the advancement in digital technology,” he stated.

On that occasion, Budi expected practitioners, experts, and researchers to collaborate to develop various technological innovations. He also provides opportunity for local industry players and Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) to conduct device testing and innovation development utilizing various equipment available at IDTH without any charges.

“We certainly hope that these concrete initiatives to accelerate digital transformation can strengthen Indonesia’s competitiveness on the global stage, towards realizing the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision,” he remarked. (FID/ST) (RAS/MMB)

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