President SBY Encourages Indonesian Youth to Study at Al Azhar University

By Humas     Date 6 Oktober 2014
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President SBY Encourages Indonesian Youth to Study at Al Azhar University

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) with Vice President Boediono and Indonesian Ambassador for Egypt Nurfaizi officially open dormitory for Indonesian student at Al Azhar University in Kairo, at Baiturrahman Mosque inside complex of state palace, Istana Negara, Jakarta on Friday afternoon (3/10).

In his speech, President SBY express gratitude to Minister of Education and Culture, Muhammad Nuh, of his report which said that the accommodation is consist of 4 buildings. Students in the accommodation are 50 percent from Indonesia, other 25 percent from Egypt, and the rest are from other countries.

“This is good for solidarity and unity”, said President SBY. The Head of State adds that he has spoken to the Head of Al Azhar University when they attended assembly held by Islamic Conference Organization (OKI) in Kairo last February, and interacted with students who need accommodation there.

President SBY said Al Azhar is one of the oldest university in the world and he got valuable explanation on how this university determines to educate Islamic thinker, Islamic leader who soon would be leaders in their respective countries. “I am grateful for that same doctrine with what we aspire in Islamic education, that Islam gives grace to universe”, said SBY.
According to SBY, moslem loves peace, tolerance and live alongside with others. Therefore, he will encourage more Indonesian to study at Al Azhar University.

Other ministers who attend the ceremony were Coordinator Minister for Economy – Chairul Tanjung, Minister of Foreign Affairs – Marty Natalegawa, Cabinet Secretary – Dipo Alam, Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs – Nazarudin Umar, and Chief of State Police – General Sutarman. (Humas Setkab/ES)(Ifp)

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