Address of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Annual Session of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia 2019

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 16 Agustus 2019
Category: Speech Transcript
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Peace and Prosperity be upon us all,

Om Swastiastu,


Greeting of Virtue.


Honorable Speaker, Vice Speakers, and Members of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia;

Honorable Heads, Deputy Heads, and Members of State Institutions;

Honorable Ministers of the Working Cabinet and Heads of Non-Ministerial Government Institutions;

Distinguished Ibu Hajjah Megawati Soekarnoputri, the Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia;

Distinguished Bapak Try Sutrisno and Bapak Hamzah Haz;

Distinguished Ibu Shinta Nuriyah Abdurrahman Wahid;

Distinguished Bapak Kyai Haji Ma’ruf Amin, Vice President-elect for the Period of 2019-2024;

My best friend and Bapak Sandiaga Uno;

Beloved people of Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote Island;

My Fellow Countrymen,

At this honorable Assembly session, I would like to revive the spirit that was ignited in the hearts of our freedom fighters 74 years ago. Indonesia, our great house together, could only be realized if we want to unite. United to achieve one goal, united to move forward in the path of change, and united with optimism to look forward into the future. This is the spirit that has led Indonesia to become an independent country, a sovereign nation, standing equal with other nations in the world.

Nowadays we are facing different challenges. However, we need to keep the spirits alive in our heart.  We are now in a world situation where changes are taking place unbelievably rapidly, yet we should not lose our guiding star. We have to be brave to accept the era of global openness without losing our unity and brotherhood.  We are entering an era of an increasingly fierce competition among countries and nations. However, we should never  stop creating and making innovations.

The same vision should also live in all of our work in  all state institutions. Checks and balances between state institutions are very important, yet it should be in the same frame, one big vision of Advanced Indonesia. A comfortable Indonesia for the whole children of the nation, a prosperous, just and welfare country, that is respected by other nations in the world. I believe that in the same frame of vision, we are getting stronger, more solid and become the winner in the global competition.

The achievement of the big vision should be accelerated. There is no other way for all of us, except leaving the old ways and starting to adapt with the new ways. We need some breakthroughs to meet the people’s expectations that are getting higher and higher. We need to make progressive leaps to win over the trust and love of the people. We need real works so that the State Institutions could become strong and dignified institutions.

To be a strong nation, we could not walk by ourselves anymore. The ego of each institution needs to be crushed so that new works can be created together. Sectoral ego that is segmented are no longer relevant; therefore, it must be abandoned. Collaboration and synergy between institutions have to be promoted improved.

Fellow Countrymen,

Honorable Members of the Assembly,

In carrying out its constitutional tasks, the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) safeguards and guarantees that Indonesia’s constitutional system reflects the spirit and ethos of Pancasila ideology, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia/NKRI), and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – Unity in Diversity. The Assembly has been intensively disseminating the four national consensuses to all layers of society across the archipelago. They include students, academics, religious figures, public figures, and people in general.

I believe such noble tasks will continue to be conducted by way of new breakthroughs, thus, the values of four national consensuses can be more internalized in the heart of all Indonesians. The development of information and communications technology must be used optimally.

In this age when information dissemination occurs at a faster pace, we, too, must go faster than others, and we must be more agile than others. We must not tolerate those who wish to make use of this cutting-edge technology to manipulate our national consensuses.

In addressing this fast-paced development of information technology, I appreciate the Assembly which continuously seeks several new ways to promote the values of national consensuses, particularly to young generation. The Assembly has also been implementing a combination of art and culture and technological advancement. That is, in fact, what we need to do.

I also appreciate the Assembly for conducting national survey on its performance in disseminating noble values of the nation. The results of the survey can serve as a reference to perfect strategies which has been implemented in disseminating the four national consensuses. To make the dissemination program more effective, extra measures are to be taken, and breakthroughs are to be pursued. Creative leaps in fostering Pancasila ideology must be made.

Fellow Countrymen,

Democracy requires a dignified, credible, and modern representative institution. For this very reason, efforts of the House of Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat/DPR) to carry out institutional consolidation must be supported. The House’s efforts to improve the quality of legal products must be enhanced. The House’s efforts to carry out checks and balances system in one same big vision must also be propped up.

I highly appreciate the spirit of the House to synergize and collaborate with the Government. In implementing its budgeting function, The House passed Law on Non-Tax State Revenues 2018. The House has also approved Rp70 trillion of Village Budgets allocation for 2019 which will contribute to the improvement of welfare of village communities.

In regard to the legislative function, in the period of August 2018 to July 2019, the House, together with the Government has managed to complete the deliberation of 15 Bills. They are, among others, Bill on the State Budget (Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara/APBN), Bills on the subject of international cooperation agreement, management of Hajj, health sector, acceleration of science and technology mastery, and several other Bills concerning the dynamics of the fast-paced development.

In addition to the aforementioned achievements in legislative aspect, the House’s support for the Government’s efforts in undertaking law reforms is still expected. Overlapping laws must be revised into one consistent law. Laws deemed detrimental to the interest of the people must be remade. Laws that hinder our leap of progress must be changed.

In regard to the supervisory function, the House has established 8 Supervisory Teams, 1 Inquiry Committee, and 35 Ad hoc Committees in various fields of development. That includes, Ad hoc Committee on the Evaluation of the 2019 Simultaneous General Elections Implementation to ensure that the implementation of General Elections will be improved in the upcoming years.

The House of Representatives has also conducted fit and proper tests regarding the proposals of public official appointment. During 2019, The House has provided considerations and approvals for 34 Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to friendly countries.

In addition, The House also maintained parliamentary diplomacy to strengthen Indonesia’s international politics. In September 2018, The House hosted the World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development for the second time. They also hosted a meeting of parliamentary speakers and representatives from five middle powers; Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia. The House also continues to undertake a parliamentary diplomatic mission, both bilaterally and multilaterally, through active participation in inter-parliamentary forums in regional and global levels.

Distinguished fellow countrymen,

In this great house called Indonesia, regions are fundamental pillars for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. As representatives for regions, the Regional Representative Council (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah/DPD) always works to maintain the unity and integrity of the nation. It has also become the vanguard in preserving and revitalizing the values of local wisdom.

Within the past year, the Regional Representative Council has released legislative products related to its constitutional authority. Seven pieces of DPD’s initiative proposal bill, six pieces of views on particular bills, four pieces of considerations on particular bills, and ten pieces of supervision result on particular law enforcement in accordance with the tasks of the Regional Representative Council.

I appreciate the quick response of the Regional Representative Council in addressing the urgent challenges in regions, such as challenges in food security, management of customary rights and customary law community, the utilization of renewable energy, and the development of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises.

In carrying out the budget function, the DPD provides input to the government regarding the schemes of General Allocation Funds (Dana Alokasi Umum/DAU), Special Allocation Funds (Dana Alokasi Khusus/DAK) and Revenue Sharing Funds (Dana Bagi Hasil/DBH) so that fiscal decentralization could provide a sense of fairness and become a fundamental solution to the problems faced by the regions. In the context of representation function, The Council actively conducted supervision on the regional elections and the 2019 general elections. The Regional Representative Council also received opinions from the community and regions with regard to the implementation of the Law on Villages.

We hope that the Regional Representative Council along with the government continues to develop Indonesia from the borderlands, from the regions and villages. The Council’s support in developing regions must continue. Local regulations based on legal formality, confusing regulations deemed hampering the community and business people must be trimmed off. The regional governance and budgeting must be improved.

My Fellow Countrymen,

Good governance is an absolute necessity. Accountable administration ofstate finance must be realized. Transparent governance has to be developed. Effective and efficient governance, which is nimble, agile, and deft in the face of change, must also continue to be pursued.

As a state institution responsible for auditing the management and accountability of state finance, the role of the Audit Board of Indonesia (Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan/BPK) is truly vital. BPK has the task to ensure that the State Budget is accountable. The Board also has to ensure that every rupiah in our State Budget is used for the best interests of the people.

Alhamdulillah, the 2016-2018 Central Government Financial Report receives Unqualified or Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian (WTP) opinion. Similarly, the Regional Governments also record achievements. The number of regional governments that received Unqualified Opinion was successfully increased from 47% in 2014 to 78% in 2018.

The BPK has also examined the performance and compliance of the government and other agencies, and has succeeded in returning state treasury and assets of Rp4.38 trillion. BPK has also carried out an examination of the pereparation for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Indonesia. In addition, BPK continues to support the prevention and eradication of criminal acts of corruption, a commitment that we need to support together.

I appreciate the efforts of BPK to actively build up the nation’s reputation internationally. The BPK was trusted to be an external auditor at the International Atomic Energy Agency from 2016 to 2021. The BPK auditors were also chosen to be independent external auditors at the International Anti-Corruption Academy from 2019 to 2021. BPK also became the United Nations Panel of External Auditors and was actively involved in the auditing organization in ASEAN, Asia, and the world.

Distinguished fellow countrymen,

With regard to the development of law, the Supreme Court continues to innovate ways of doing things. I appreciate its efforts in creating simple, fast, and cost-efficient justice principles. I support the Supreme Court’s efforts in simplifying the ways of seeking justice for the people. I support the Supreme Court’s efforts in building a culture that achieves awareness and adherence to law to be instilled deep in the society.

Nowadays, electronic judicial system is already in place in all justice institutions. Therefore, it is now easier for the justice seekers to file a case or make a payment online. Summons and trial notification, as well as to the submission of judicial decisions are run online. In fact, The Supreme Court has moved further by developing e-court towards e-litigation. All these initiative measures deserve our appreciation.

The Supreme Court also expands access to justice seekers. Until late 2018, the Supreme Court has inaugurated 85 new courts in various parts of the country, comprising 30 District Courts, 50 Religious Courts, 3 Sharia Courts, and 2 State Administrative Courts.

Through those various attempts, the Supreme Court has succeeded in reducing the number of case arrears to 906 cases in 2018, the lowest number in the history of the establishment of Supreme Court. They also continue to improve by carrying out a number of corrective measures, such as updating the procedures for resolving simple claims and updating the field of case management.

Along with the institutional achievements of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court also continues to work to consolidate the constitution of our country. I also support the efforts of the Constitutional Court to develop the modern and transparent judiciary institution by providing easy access to justice seekers in the Constitutional Court.

Now, those justice seekers can undertake the conduct of litigation and keep track of justice process in the Constitutional Court at once through various apps and information and communications technology-based modern services.

As guardian of the Constitution, the Constitutional Court has reviewed 85 cases and ruled 52 cases of judicial review in the past year. The rulings of the Constitutional Court also support the Government’s effort in reforming legislative system and legislation arrangement process.

Furthermore, the Constitutional Court has contributed in strengthening constitutional democracy. I appreciate the Constitutional Court in their accomplishment in resolving disputes over the results of the 2018 Regional Head Election and 2019 Presidential and Legislative Elections in constitutional corridor in peaceful, just, and dignified manners. The Court has also presented an open judicial process, adhering to the principles of independence and impartiality.

Meanwhile, the Judicial Commission strives to promote the accountability of judiciary in our country. The Judicial Commission has carried out its preemptive roles in recommendation of the four Supreme Court judges.

The Judicial Commission has carried out its preventive roles in organizing in-depth knowledge trainings of Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for 412 judges as well as overseen 93 high profile cases.

The Judiciary Commission also carried out its enforcement roles has recommended that the Supreme Court impose light to heavy sanctions on 55 judges.

Honorable Members of the Assembly,

All of the achievements of the state institutions are our shared capital to step forward to face challenges in the future. Nevertheless, we must not be complacent. We must continue to provide mutual help and remind each other. We must not be allergic to critiques. However harsh it is, it must be accepted as a form of concern and hope that spurs us on to work harder in order to fulfill their hope.

In a democratic nation, differences between individuals, differences between groups, or even between institutions are always there inevitable. Still, differences are no reasons for us to hate, eliminate, or terminate each other. Differences can be managed into dynamic energy. The energy to achieve advanced Indonesia.

I call upon all state institutions to build strong synergy in order to accomplish our historical tasks. To support our leap of progress to alleviate poverty, reduce social gap, and create employment as much as possible. Hand in hand to combat the threat of intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism. As well as participate in producing even more excellent human capital that can bring about progress for the nation.

Fellow Countrymen from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote Island,

Tomorrow, we will celebrate the 74th anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence. We should be grateful that Indonesia, our shared great home, remains firm despite the many challenges. Indonesia can stay firm because this nation has a very strong foundation called Pancasila. Pancasila is a nation’s principle, guiding star and unifier to us all.

In this house called Pancasila, we can live harmoniously regardless of our religious, ethnic and racial backgrounds. This great house of Indonesia, provides a comfortable place for all to live in, a living space for children of the nation from Sabang to Merauke, from Miangas to Rote Island. In this great house, they are free to cultivate creative minds, they are free to roam, and they are free to fight for our cause together to make our shared dreams and goals come true.

Differences are not a hindrance to us but more of a unifier. In this unity, we find a huge energy to propel our entire strength and thoughts and toward advanced Indonesia. In this unity, we find solidarity, attention, and spirit of sharing among the children of the nation.

I firmly believe that the Unity of Indonesia will always be peaceful. It is akin to floating water plants capable of getting themselves re-interwoven even after being split by a passing boat. I absolutely believe, by holding on the Unity of Indonesia spirit, this great house will never ever crumble, nor fall apart, nor vanish; instead, she will forever stand tall not only for 100 or 500 years in the future, but for eternity.

Long Live the Republic of Indonesia!

Long Live the Motherland of Pancasila!

Excellent Human Capital towards an Advance Indonesia!


I thank you,

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh,

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om,

Namo Buddhaya.


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