All Landowners in West Java Province will Hold Land Certificates Next Year

President Jokowi poses for a group photo after distributing Land Certificates for the People, at the Complex of Bintang Fantasi Waterboom , Pamanukan, Subang Regency, on Wednesday (6/6). (Photo: PR/Jay)
The Government has given Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency (BPN) Sofyan Djalil a target of issuing 5 million land certificates in 2017, 7 million in 2018, and 9 million in 2019.
President Jokowi made that statement when attending the distribution of 5,000 Land Certificates for the People at the Complex of Bintang Fantasi Waterboom, Pamanukan, Subang Regency, on Wednesday (6/6).
I heard that out of 5,000 certificates to be distributed today, 3,250 recipients are present here. Everyone, please raise your certificates up in the air, President Jokowi said adding that it was meant to let the public know that the certificates are distributed to the people.
The President also said that the National Land Agency (BPN) will never stop to meet the target in issuing land certificates. They barely sleep. Everyone should work even in the weekend because that was the way of giving fast services to the public, the President firmly said.
According to President Jokowi, this years target for West Java Province is 1.2 (million, red), a nearly tenfold from the normal figure.
Next year, the President added, 1.5 million should be issued and in the year after all landowners in West Java Province will hold a legal proof of property ownership, namely land certificate.
The distribution of certificates should be done in swift manner because the President always received complaints from the people during his working visits to a region, village, and hamlets, regarding land dispute and agrarian matters.
Land disputes be it between people, neighbours, between people and the Government, people and State-owned Enterprise arise in all province, in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, Papua, Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), everywhere, the President said.
Therefore, I instructed the process (of issuing) certificates to be accelerated, and thank God, alhamdulillah the process is now faster, he added.
Also on that occasion, President Jokowi conveyed his gratitude to the Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency (BPN) and all BPN officers who have worked hard, even in the weekend, from morning to night, to meet the target.
If you already received the certificate, put it in a plastic cover like this, and make a photocopy of it. Do not forget to make copies. Keep it properly, and considered the plastic cover, the certificate will not be damaged if there is leaking ceiling, President Jokowi told the land certificates holders.
The President also reminded that if the certificate lost, the copy of it will make reissuance process in the BPN easier.
Secondly, after possessing certificate, most of you want to use it as collateral for bank loan, am I right?, President Jokowi ask the audience.
The Head of State allows those who want to use the certificate as a collateral for bank loan, but he also told them to think wisely before using it.
Please, select a reputable bank, and calculate the interest rate. Assess yourself whether you can pay the installment every month, and return the loan or not. It is up to you, the President firmly said.
Joining the event were First Lady Ibu Iriana, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency (BPN) Sofyan Djalil, member of the Presidential Advisory Board (Wantimpres) Agum Gumelar, Coordinator of Special Staff to the President Teten Masduki, Governor of West Java Ahmad Heryawan, Commander of Siliwangi Military Command Maj. Gen. Harto, West Java Police Chief Insp. Gen. Pol Agung Budi Maryoto, Vice Regent of Subang Ating Rusnatim, Acting Regent of Purwakarta Taufik Budi Santoso, and Regent of Karawang Cellica Nurrachadiana. (FID/JAY/EN) (RAS/MMB/Naster)