Almost Completed, Academic Qualification Program and the National Teacher Certification

By Humas     Date 22 Juni 2015
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Almost Completed, Academic Qualification Program and the National Teacher Certification

Program of academic qualifications (minimum D4 or S1) and get teaching certificate (certified) teachers conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture since 2005, in accordance by the mandate of Law Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, now almost entirely completed.

“In the year 2015 if we count, almost complete (qualification and certification of teachers),” said Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud), Sumarna Surapranata, in Jakarta, last weekend.

Sumarna explained, when the Law Number 14 of 2005 was enacted in 2005, the number of teachers as a whole reached 2.7 million people. From that amount, nearly of 60 percent, especially elementary school teacher, does not have the competence S1.

“Most of the teachers that appointed without regard to the academic qualifications of teachers. In fact, the teacher must pass a D4 or S1 prior to the appointment,” said Sumarna, in Jakarta last week.

On this basis, Kemendikbud take the initiative to make a program to send teachers, namely Recognition Work Experience and Learning Outcomes (PPKHB).

Sumarna mention, PPKHB was arranged for teachers to school to meet academic qualifications do not need to meet the semester the amount of the credit system (SKS) 100 percent, but enough only one third.

Director General of Teachers and Education Personnel, Kemendikbud Sumarna Surapranata explained, PPKHB arranged for the teachers do not need to take the whole of credits required for graduation in the education level.

Kemendikbud, continued Sumarna, also provide the budget for aid qualifying for the 70 thousand teachers, but unfortunately not entirely absorbed. “Only 30 thousand are absorbed. Because most are still in school, some are already finished, “he said.

 (Humas Kemendikbud/ES)

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