Another Ten Million Doses of Vaccine Bulk Arrives in Indonesia

Arrival of 10 million doses of raw materials for the COVID-19 vaccine at Soekarno Hatta Airport in Tangerang city, Banten province, Tuesday (02/03/2021). (Photo: Press Bureau of Presidential Secretariat/Rusman)
Ten million doses of raw materials for COVID-19 vaccine on Tuesday (02/03/2021) at 12.05 western Indonesian time arrived at Soekarno-Hatta International Airpport in Tangerang city.
The raw materials from Sinovac company was carried by national carrier Garuda Indonesia flight number GA891.
“Thank God, today ten million bulk vaccines arrived. Bulk vaccines are the raw material of vaccines that will be made into (ready-to-use) vaccines by BioFarma,” said Deputy Minister of Health dr. Dante Saksono.
The arrival of the ten million doses of raw vaccine materials, according to Dante, is the fifth arrival after the Government imported both ready-to-use vaccines and vaccine raw materials.
On the first and second arrivals, the Government imported 1.2 million and 1.8 million doses of ready-to-use vaccines, while on the third and fourth arrival, 15 million and 10 million doses of bulk vaccines were imported.
Therefore, the Government has procured 38 million doses of vaccines from Sinovac company. The vaccines will be used to support the free mass vaccination program targeting 181.5 million people.
“Gradually, 185 million vaccines from Sinovac will arrive,” added Dante.
The raw materials, as the other raw materials on the third and fourth arrivals, will be processed and manufactured further by state-owned pharmaceutical company PT Bio Farma, which has obtained the certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice from the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM).
In addition, Sinovac-manufactured COVID-19 vaccines have received an emergency use authorization from BPOM. The vaccines have also obtained halal status from the Indonesian Ulema Council.
Dante further said that besides procuring COVID-19 vaccines from Sinovac, the Government has also gained vaccine procurement commitment from a number of other pharmaceutical companies, namely AstraZeneca from England, Pfizer-BioNTech from Germany and America, and Novavax from America, all of which will be used for the Government’s vaccination program.
“All of the vaccines will fulfill the need for vaccination for all Indonesian people,” he stated. (Bureau of Press, Media, and Information/UN) (DH/EP)