Anti-Corruption Education to be Included in National Curriculum

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 11 Desember 2018
Category: News
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A number of minister and leaders of KPK speak at National Coordination Meeting on Anti-Corruption Education, in Jakarta, Tuesday (11/12)

A number of minister and leaders of KPK speak at National Coordination Meeting on Anti-Corruption Education, in Jakarta, Tuesday (11/12)

The Indonesian Government once again showed a joint commitment to fight against corruption in the country.

A number of Working Cabinet Minister and leaders of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) on Tuesday (11/12) in Jakarta signed the Commitment to Anti-Corruption Education Implementation for Elementary, Secondary and High Education Levels at the National Coordination Meeting on Anti-Corruption Education.

With this commitment, all ministries agree to include anti-corruption education in the national curriculum. Nevertheless, measures to prevent and eradicate corruption at Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education have been initiated.

Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education M. Nasir said that that his ministry always asks for assistance in managing state finances. “We have developed the system, for example e-budget that reduces direct contact between compilers and users that is expected to reduce chances for committing corruption,” Nasir said.

The Minister added that Centers for Anti-Corruption Study at universities are not enough. According to him, anti-corruption in the future must become a subject to be featured in General Education Courses (MKDU).

In the meantime, KPK Chairman Agus Rahardjo said that that anti-corruption education is not only a matter of students but also teachers, lecturers, staffs, and other related elements. In other words, he added, the whole university management as a unit must prevent corruption.

“Anti-corruption lesson has been given at several universities, including at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), where there is a policy to suspend students for cheating for one semester. In the meantime, Bina Nusantara University has announced that it will revoke diploma for alumni who are implicated in corruption cases. I hope once the roadmap is completed, mental revolution will start from education sector,” Agus explained.

For the record, Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education has to date trained thousands of lecturers from various disciplines in various regions in Indonesia, as well as involved various state and private universities in the Anti-Corruption Education Training of Trainers for Higher Education. This effort was made to prepare university lecturers at Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education to teach the values of integrity and anti-corruption for students in their respective universities.

In addition, information technology is also used so that registration of proposals for the opening of universities and new study programs, as well as proposals for research and service at Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education can be done online.

On the same occasion, Action Plan to Anti-Corruption Education Implementation for Elementary, Secondary and High Education Levels was also signed by Director General of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ismunandar and a number of Echelon I officials from Minister of Education and Culture, Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Religious Affairs, and the KPK. (Cooperation and Public Communication Burreau of the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education/EN)




Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Ersan Pamungkas

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