Arrived in Kuala Lumpur, President Jokowi Ready Attend ASEAN Summit

By Humas     Date 27 April 2015
Category: News
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President Jokowi and PM of Malaysia Najib Razak

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) arrived at the international airport of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Sunday (26/4) at 17.00 pm local time. The arrival of President Jokowi and the entourage including cabinet secretary Andi Widjajanto greeted by Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia, TNI Marshal (Ret) Herman Prayitno.

President Jokowi visit to Malaysia this time is intended to attend the opening of the 26th Summit (Summit) ASEAN held on Monday (27/4) at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC), Malaysia, and will be opened by Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak.

Upon arrival at the International Airport, the President Jokowi then headed to the Grand Hyatt Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, as a place to stay while in Malaysia.

On Sunday (26/4) night, President Jokowi attend the Gala Dinner, which held by Malaysia as host to welcome the Heads of State/Heads of Government of ASEAN countries who attended the summit in Kuala Lumpur.

Besides Cabinet Secretary Andi Widjajanto, also has a presence in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia are Coordinating Minister for Economy Sofyan Djalil, Minister of Foreign Retno LP Marsudi, and Minister of Trade Rahmat Gobel.


Gala Dinner

PM of Malaysia Najib Razak gives a speech during the Gala Dinner of the ASEAN Summit, in Kuala Lumpur, Sunday (26/4)

While the Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak in the Gala Dinner, Sunday (26/4) night, expressed, the theme of the 26th ASEAN summit this time is Our People, Our Community, and Our Vision.

“This theme was selected to realize a People Centered ASEAN,” Najib said.

According to the Malaysian Prime Minister, at the 26th ASEAN Summit, will be launched Go ASEAN to strengthen ASEAN integration, in an ASEAN Community. (Humas Setkab/ES)

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