Arriving in California, President Jokowi Welcomed by Foreign Affairs Minister

President Jokowi arrived in Indian Wells, California, United States, at 17.49 local time (14/2)
President Joko Jokowi Widodo and his First Lady arrived at Palm Springs Airport, California, United States of America, on Sunday (14/2) at 17.49 local time to conduct a state visit. The time difference between California (GMT -8) and Jakarta is -15 hours. President Jokowi and First Lady Iriana were welcomed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi and Head of National Intelligence Agency, Sutiyoso.
When arriving at Miramonte Resort and Spa Hotel, Indian Wells, President Jokowi and Ibu Iriana were given flowers by an American-Indonesian descendant named Zoey. On this visit, President Jokowi would attend ASEAN-US Summit in Sunnylands, California.
The heads of 10 Southeast Asian countries would gather with President Barack Obama and his administration on ASEAN-US Summit which was held for two days, 15-16 February 2016.
On the first day, the Summits participants would have discussion on economic policies, such as investment and digital economy. The next day, the heads of states would focus on security issues, including maritime security in South China Sea and terrorist attack in Jakarta last January.
Besides heads of states and the delegates of ASEAN member countries, CEOs of some US companies would also attend this year US-ASEAN Summit. (SLN/EN) (A/T/LW)