Attending “Tawur Agung”, President Jokowi Invite the People to Live With the Spirit of Diversity

By Humas     Date 20 Maret 2015
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President Jokowi, accompanied by First Lady Iriana arrived at the Prambanan Temple complex, Yogyakarta, to attend the ceremony of “Tawur Agung Kesanga”, Nyepi Day 2015, Friday (20/3) morning

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by First Lady Iriana attended Ceremony of Tawur Agung Kesanga, Nyepi Day Year Saka1937 / 2015 M, which was held at Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta, Friday (20/3) morning.

In his speech, President Jokowi said “As part of commemoration of Nyepi, Tawur Kesanga ceremony can give inspiration and new spirit for Hindus in building the community life, national and state life,”

He said, Nyepi Day has significance to reflect on the nature and contemplate the meaning of life in this mortal realm. Nyepi Day, he added, is a means of reflection and self-evaluation to cleanse the soul of all forms of behavior that is not good, the mind that does not clear, words inappropriate.

Therefore, President Jokowi invite all Hindus in the country to make that Nyepi Day as a means to create peace, tranquility, and harmony.

Head of State believes, through the day of Nyepi Hindu people can also get closer to God and build a harmonious relationship between human and God, between human and the environment, as well as between human to each other.

On that occasion, the President Jokowi invited Hindu people across the country in order to continue to live the noble values of Hinduism. “Put forward the spirit of tolerance and diversity, spirit of togetherness, spirit of mutual cooperation, spirit of unity in the diversity,” message of president.

To the big families of Indonesia Hindu Dharma Association, the President expressed his gratitude for the role and dedication given over the years. “Continue the best dedication all brothers to be offered for the advancement of the nation country,”

Ceremony of Tawur Agung Kesanga which is a series of commemoration Nyepi Day Year Saka1937 / 2015 M,  also attended by Minister of Religion Lukman Hakim Saefudin, Minister of Cooperatives Ngurah Puspayoga, Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya, the Army Commander General Moeldoko, Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, and Governor of DIY Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X. (Humas Setkab/WID/ES)

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