Attorney General Executes 4 Drug Traffickers, 10 are Suspended

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 29 Juli 2016
Category: News
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image-17Attorney General, with assistance from the Mobile Brigade Corps of the Indonesian National Police (Brimob Polri),has executed four drug traffickerson Friday (29/7), on Tunggal Panaluan field, Nusakambangan Island, Cilacap, Central Java.

The four deathrow inmates who were executed are Freddy Budiman (Indonesian Nationality), Michael Titus Igweh (Nigerian Nationality), Humprey Ejike (Nigerian Nationality), and Gajetan Acena Seck Osmane(Senegalese Nationality).

After the execution, the body of Freddy Budiman was brought to Surabaya, the body of Humprey was cremated in Banyumas, whiletwo other bodies were brought home to Nigeria.

“The consideration to give death sentence to the inmates was based on the fact that the convicts have massively dealing drugs,” Junior Prosecutor for General Crimes (Jampidum) Noor Rachmad told reporters in a press statement on Friday (29/7), in Cilacap.

“Everyone knows how Freddy Budiman in drug trafficking, and everyone knows that drug trafficking will be punished with death sentence,” Noor added.

Supreme Courtrejects the cassation appeal fromFreddy Budiman because he has never appealed for clemency from the President because the time given was already over, and he was still controlling drug trafficking from the prison, Noor added.

Regarding the execution of other 10 deathrow inmates that has been scheduled, Attorney General Prasetyo in a press statement on Friday (29/7), in Jakarta, said that it has not decided yet when the 10 drug traffickers would be put to death due to juridical and non juridical problems.

However, Prasetyo did not mention in detail the juridical and non juridical problems in the execution of 10 death-row inmates. (FID/*/ES) (RAS/MMB/YM/Naster)

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