Avoided Defamation, President Yudhoyono: 10 Years I Have Kept Distance with General Election Commission

Avoided Defamation, President Yudhoyono: 10 Years I Have Kept Distance with General Election Commission
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inaugurated the Meeting of General Elections Commission Leaders in order to evaluate and report on 2014 election implementation at the State Palace in Jakarta, Tuesday (14/20).
“Ten years since I became President, I have kept a distance with the General Elections Commission and also with Election Supervisory Board. I fear of defamation that the power holders conceivably intervene to the Commission and the Board,” said the President.
Understandably, because it did not everybody understand that under the Constitution 1945 Chapter VII B on General Election Article 22 e of verse 5, the general election is held by a General Election Commission that is national wide, permanent and independent.
President judged that in 2004, 2009, and 2014 Legislative Election and Presidential Election, the General Election Commission and the Local General Election Commission had truly independent.
“For those who understood, Yudhoyono could not possibly affect the General Election Commission. But then once again for those who did not understand, there must be suspicions. So, friends from the General Election Commission and the Local General Election Commission, if I took a distance that does not mean that I was not close with them. I actually wanted to securing the General Election Commission and the Local General Election Commission so you would not considered pro-incumbent president,” said the President.
“Now who wants to slander. Only four more days I become President, then I retires. My time is over. So, it is legitimate to meet you all,” he said.
President then told his bitter experience shortly after the General Election Commission announced the voting results of the 2014 Presidential and Vice-Presidential Election. “Mr. Yudhoyono, for the safety of our nation, you should dare to reject the decision of General Election Commission … please extent (presidential tenure) for another year … if it is needed, repeat the Presidential Election. I said that there has never been anyone, the President, including ministers, governors, regents, mayors who rejects the General Election Commission,” the President firmed.
Present among others the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law, and Safety Djoko Suyanto, Chief of Police, the Chairmen, the Vice Chairmen and Secretaries of all Provincial General Election Commission of Indonesia.
The Chairman of General Election Commission Husni Kamil Malik said that the aims of meeting were to equalize and build synergies among the election organizers.
To the President, Husni Kamil Malik handed over a book of the Principles of General Election Implementation Report 2014.
The President expected that the General Election Commission Leaders Meeting went smoothly for the sake of the coming elections.
The President advised that the General Election Commission would more specific in creating questions for the presidential candidate in debate. That questions, the President said, should about president addressed issues, not only about vision and mission which are too general. (Polhukam/DP)