Become the Largest Forum Outside the UN, President Jokowi: Asian-African Summit Decision Could Not Ignored

By Humas     Date 24 April 2015
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President Jokowi delivered the closing remarks of the 60th KAA, at JCC Jakarta, Thursday (23/4)

After opened on Wednesday (22/4) morning, 60th Asian-African Summit (of KAA), which took place in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) Jakarta, Thursday (23/4) evening, officially closed by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) .

According to President Jokowi, 60th of KAA has successfully formulated three important agreements. The first, Bandung Message: second, strengthening the Declaration of the New Asian-African Strategic Partnership; and third, the Declaration Regarding Palestine.

“For that I thank you for the spirit and commitment of His Excellency, as well as all parties who have been involved in the formulation and implementation of this meeting,” Jokowi said.

President Jokowi appraise, 60th of KAA is one of the largest intergovernmental forum in the world outside of the United Nations (UN), which attended by the countries of Asia, Africa, and some observer countries.

President Jokowi rate, the sound presented in this conference is the sound revival of Asian-African nations. “Once again, the voices of the peoples of Asia Africa resurrection. Therefore, the sound and our decisions cannot be ignored by anyone, “he said.

In the 60th of KAA, continued President Jokowi, has agreed to rekindle the core of South-South struggle, namely prosperity, solidarity, and the stability of the countries of Asia and Africa. In addition, the participants of KAA also agreed to establish a network of peacekeeping centers in the two regions that can facilitate cooperation to improve the capacity.

The participants of the 60th KAA, Jokowi said, condemned extremism and terrorism, which is the name of religion and encourage cultural and religious dialogue.

“We also agreed to increase trade and investment as a means for driving the economy,” President Jokowi said.

In that regard, according to the President Jokowi, 60th of KAA encourage multilateral trading system that is fair, pro-development and inclusive, which contribute to growth, investment and employment, as well as environmentally sound and sustainable.

On that occasion, President Jokowi promised to work with the leaders of Asian and African countries to ensure that the strategic partnership between Asia and Africa really materialized.

“I also will work with you all for the sake of prosperity, justice, peace for all citizens Asian-African countries,” said Jokowi who feel happy that the session agreed to support the establishment of the Asian-African Center in Indonesia. (Humas Setkab/ES)

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