Before Return to Indonesia, President Jokowi will be Entertained by the US Vice President

President Jokowi and First Lady Iriana got a bunch of flowers from an Indonesia child, Sunday (25/10), when entering the Blair House, Washington DC, USA.
Towards the return to the homeland on Tuesday (27/10) afternoon local time on Wednesday (28/10) pm, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) still have 6 (six) of agenda to be completed.
Communication Team of President, Ari Dwipayana, in a press release on Tuesday (27/10) night expresse that the first agenda to be implemented by President Jokowi on Tuesday (27/10) morning or afternoon pm local time is to accept the CEO of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Dana Hyde and CEO of Conoco Phillips Ryan Lance.
“After receiving them, the President will give a Policy speech, at the Brookings Institution, which will be attended by hundreds of participants,” Ari said, adding that, in this meeting, President Jokowi will explain the policy direction taken by the government.
Later in the day, Ari continued, President Jokowi will be treated to lunch privately by Vice President of the United States, Joseph Biden at the official residence of the Vice President. After meeting with Biden, President Jokowi will visit the Capitol Hill to meet with parliamentary leaders (Leadership of the House of Representatives) of the USA.
After a visit to the Capitol Hill, President Jokowi will meet with fund managers from all over the United States at the Willard Intercontinental Hotel.
Towards to the airport, Ari continued, the President will visit the Indonesian Muslim Association in America (IMAAM) Center. Here, the Chairman of IMAAM Center will welcome the President.
“At 18:00 Local Time, the President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana with entourage will return to the homeland by using Indonesian Presidential plane-1,” Ari Dwipayana said.
According to the Communication Team of President, on the way back to the homeland, the plane carrying President Joko Widodo and the entourage will transit at Schiphol Amsterdam the Netherlands and Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates, before arriving in the country on Thursday (29/10). (ES)/Sy.