BKN: Civil Servants Implicated in Graft Cases Will be Dismissed

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 Mei 2018
Category: News
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pnsCivil Service Agency (BKN) and Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), in accordance with the regulation on civil servants management, have agreed on 2 matters concerning the discipline enforcement of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and civil servants (PNS) involved in criminal act of corruption which has legally binding conviction (inkracht).

Head of BKN Bima Haria Wibisana, in letter Number K 26-30/V 55-5 / 99 on 17 April 2018 addressed to: 1. Managing Officer of Central Government Institutions; and 2. Managing Officer of Regional Government Institutions, mentioned that 2 aforementioned matters are:

First, Dismissal with disgrace for ASN found guilty in a criminal act of corruption by legally binding conviction; and Second, Appointment, Transfer and Dismissal from Governmental Position which is allegedly related to bribery/extortion.

The letter further reads: “in accordance with the provision of law, Letter of Dismissal with Disgrace shall be immediately issued for civil servants who get prison sentence under legally binding conviction for committing a criminal offense related to fraud by abuse of position or general crime.”

Head of BKN also requested that the Appointment, Transfer and Dismissal of Governmental Position shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of law, without any bribery/extortion. “Any violation of the aforementioned provision shall be scrutinized by BKN and KPK,” the letter reads.

Bima Haria stressed that the results of examination will be followed up by BKN and KPK in accordance with the authority and provisions of law.

The copies of the letter are submitted to: 1. Head of BPK; 2. Minister of Home Affairs; 3. Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms; 3. Head of KPK; 4. Head of ASN Commission; 5. XIV BKN; and 6. Chief Representative of BPK across Indonesia. (Humas BKN/ES) (RI/EP/Naster)

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