BMKG Warns Coastal Residents Against Impacts of Wallace Tropical Cyclone

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 April 2019
Category: News
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Satellite imagery from the BMKG website (illustration)

Satellite imagery from the BMKG website (illustration)

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has warned residents people—especially to those living and working near coastal areas—to be aware of the high waves that will occur until 13 April this year

Based on the BMKG press release on Wednesday (10/4), Wallace tropical cyclone in the northwest Indian Ocean of Australia has caused rising waves as well as changes in wind patterns in the northern and southern region of Indonesia with an average speed of 4-20 knots.

Furthermore, the highest wind speed is also expected in the waters in Bengkulu, Enggano Islands, Arafuru Sea, Merauke and southern of Tanimbar Islands and is expected to result in wave-height increment around the area, the release says.

It added that the potential of 1.25-2.50 meters wave-height increment are also expected to occur in: Northern of Sabang Sawu Sea, Sabang waters-Banda Aceh, Southern Tanimbar Islands waters, Arafuru Sea of Western Aceh waters, Western of Simeulue Islands to Mentawai Islands waters, Northern of Talaud Islands waters, Bengkulu waters, Northern Biak waters, Western of Indian Ocean Aceh to Bengkulu, Pacific Ocean of Northern Papua, Southern water of Sumba Island to Rote Island, Eastern Sulawesi Sea, Western Sumba Strait, Northern Maluku Sea.

Meanwhile, the regions that are expected to experience a depth of 2.50 to 4 meters of wave-height are Enggano-Western Lampung waters, Southern Java Island to Sumbawa Island waters, Southern Sunda Strait, Southern Bali Strait of Lombok-Southern Alas Strait, and Southern of Java Indian Ocean to West Nusa Tenggara.

The BMKG also  specifically warned ships that will sail, such as fishing boats, to be aware of wind speeds of more than 15 knots and wave heights above 1.25 meters; barges vessels to be aware of wind speeds of more than 16 knots and wave heights above 1.5 meters; ferry vessels to be aware of wind speeds of more than 21 knots and wave height above 2.5 meters; and large-sized vessels such as cargo/cruise vessels to be aware of wind speeds of more than 27 knots and wave heights above 4.0 meters. (Humas BMKG/EN)



Translated by: Galuh Wicaksono
Edited by: Muhammad Ersan Pamungkas

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