BPS: Indonesia’s Economic Growth in 2018 is the Highest in the Last 4 Years

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 6 Februari 2019
Category: News
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Pertumbuhan-2018The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) stated that Indonesia’s economic growth in 2018 reached 5.17%, the highest growth in the last four years, and 5.07% higher than that of 2017.

“It shows a good trend, because economic growth in 2018 is higher than the last few years,” Head of the BPS Suhariyanto said in a press release at BPS Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/2).

For the record, the BPS data shows that economic growth in previous years was 5.01% in 2014, 4.88% in 2015, 5.03% in 2016, and 5.07% in 2017.

Suhariyanto added that the source of economic growth in 2018 was manufacturing industry (0.91%), trade (0.66%), construction (0.61%), agriculture (0.49%), and other sectors (2.50%).

Suhariyanto went on to say that in terms of expenditure, the source of economic growth was household consumption (2.74%), gross fixed capital formation (2.17%), Government consumption (0.38%), and other sectors (0.87%).

“The highest household consumption expenditure is in restaurant and hotel; transportation and communication; and health and education as well,” Suhariyanto explained.

He further said that growth of goods exports slowed in line with the slowing growth of global trade and economic volumes, as well as slowing economic growth in the main trading partner countries, while imports grew faster in line with the increase in domestic demand.

Suhariyanto further said that Indonesia’s per capita income in 2018 was higher than those of previous years. For the record, Indonesia’s per capita income was US$3,927 in 2018, higher than US$3,876.3 in 2017 and US$3,603.6 in 2016. (Humas BPS/ES)

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Yuyu Mulyani

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