BPS: Working Population Increased 6.2 Million People, Open Unemployment Down 5.81percent

By Humas     Date 6 Mei 2015
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BPS: Working Population Increased 6.2 Million People, Open Unemployment Down 5.81percent

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) announced, the total working population in February 2015 has reached 120.8 million people, or increased by 6.2 million people compared to August 2014. As compared to the situation in February 2014, the total working population in February 2015 showed increase of 2.7 million people.

As for the Unemployment Rate (TPT), according Suryamin, in February 2015 recorded at 5.81 percent, or decreased compared to TPT in August 2014 which reached 5.94 percent, and increased when compared TPT in February 2014 that amounted to 5.70 percent.

According to Suryamin, during the last year (February 2014 – February 2015) the increase in labor absorption occurred mainly in the Industrial Sector as many as 1.0 million people (6.43 percent), Social Services Sector as many as 930 thousand people (5.03 percent), and Trade sector as many as 840 thousand people (3.25 percent).

By level of education, Suryamin convey, in February 2015, the working population is still dominated by those who are educated elementary school (SD) downward, amounting to 45.19 percent. While the population of working with undergraduate education and upward only amounted to 8.29 percent.

Economic Growth

On that occasion the Head of BPS Suryamin also said that Indonesia’s economic growth in the first quarter 2015 compared to the first quarter of 2014 (Y on Y) recorded 4.71%, or slowed down compared to the same period in 2014 amounted to 5.14 percent, Meanwhile, if compared to the previous quarter (fourth quarter 2014) decreased by 0.18 percent (q-to-q).

According to Suryamin, in terms of production, the highest growth achieved by the Business Sector Information and Communications by 10.53 percent. In terms of expenditure by component Household Consumption Expenditure which grew 5.01 percent.

Suryamin also said that Indonesia’s economic structure spatially the first quarter of 2015 was dominated by a group of provinces in Java and Sumatra. She said the group of provinces in Java Island gives the largest contribution to GDP, which amounted to 58.30 percent, followed by Sumatra Island by 22.56 percent, 8.26 percent and the island of Borneo.

Overall, further Suryamin, the Indonesian economy is measured by the amount of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at current prices the first quarter – 2015 to reach USD 2724.7 billion, and at constant prices of 2010 reached Rp 2157.5 trillion. (Humas BPS/ES)

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