Cabinet Secretariat Earns Highest Audit Rating from BPK

Deputy to the Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Farid Utomo receives BPK’s Financial Audit Report (LHP) of Cabinet Secretariat at BPK Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday (08/09). (Photo by: PR/Rahmat)
Cabinet Secretariat has obtained an Unqualified Opinion (WTP/Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian), the best audit level, from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) for the 2021 budget report.
“It is amazing achievement for us to receive WTP for ten times in a row,” Deputy to the Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Farid Utomo said after receiving Audit Summary (LHP) at BPK Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday (08/09).
According to Farid, Cabinet Secretariat has obtained WTP status since 2012 and he reaffirmed the commitment to continue to strive and improve the accountability in budget spending and to carry out recommendations from BPK.
In the meantime, BPK’s Main Auditor of State Finance III Ahmad Adib Susilo expressed appreciation to the ministries/institutions for their hard work in completing financial report and for their support in the 2021 financial audit by the BPK.
According to Adib, there are four factors that are considered by BPK in financial report audit, namely compliance with Government Accounting Standards (SAP), compliance with laws and regulations, effectiveness of the internal control system, and adequacy of disclosure in accordance with the disclosures regulated in SAP.
“Congratulations to you for getting the best opinion,” Adib remarked.
For the record, there are 35 out of 38 ministries/institutions that have also received WTP status and only three of them that have completed all BPK’s recommendation, namely Cabinet Secretariat, the Supreme Court, and the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI). (RF/UN) (GWH/LW)